Mit jedem neuen Update packen HelloGames noch eine Schippe drauf.
Jedes Update zieht mich wieder zurück zu dem Spiel und es ist einfach der Wahnsinn, was sie aus dem Spiel gemacht haben, das zum Launch so viel Ärger generiert hat.
Nou, die serie #Echoes mag ook wel in de categorie 'verspilde tijd'. Gelukkig waren het maar 7 afleveringen
Echoes #7 è online! Leggi #Echoes, il bollettino del #CivilMRCC. In questa edizione, la situazione a #Lampedusa e in #Tunisia, la ricostruzione del naufragio di #Pylos e la manifestazione di @RefugeesinLibya a #Bruxelles. #Echoes in italiano 👇
#echoes #CivilMRCC #lampedusa #tunisia #pylos #bruxelles
Begonnen aan #Echoes, tijdens de tweede aflevering al behoorlijk in de war hier.
Zijn er überhaupt wel twee zussen? 🤔
Retorische vraag dus hoef geen spoilers 😁
From @echoesbetween : BONUS: Check out #WelcomeToEarthStories with York in conversation with Jess discussing #Echoes(In)Between, what’s next for the show plus insights into Jess’s other projects/interests. Lovely to hear this 💜
#welcometoearthstories #echoes
📢 "Tutto e tutti sono in movimento. E nessuno ha intenzione di fermarsi."È uscito "Moving on" il n. 7 di #ECHOES il bollettino del #CivilMRCC. Presto anche in italiano. Qui intanto il link alla versione ENG 👇🏿 #Mediterraneo
#echoes #CivilMRCC #mediterraneo
#TRENTEMOLLER #ECHOES #JEHNNYBETH 🇫🇷 Reconnu comme l’un des pionniers de la minimal house, c’est pourtant avec la pop rêveuse et synthétique de son nouvel album Memoria que @trentemollerOfficial se présente sur la scène d’Echoes with Jehnny Beth. Trentemøller, Anders de son prénom est un homme aux multiples vies. Avant d’être le DJ et producteur que l’on connait…
› via @feedbot
#jehnnybeth #echoes #trentemoller
A recent deep dive into #slystone ’s post-68 discography, including his wild Stone Flower #productions, has got me itching to rent a cheap little furnished #studio somewhere for a weekend and roll #tape with just a #drummachine as drummer and my brain as a foggy sort of #band. #Keys, #samples and #echoes. Maybe a muttered vocal.
But such places probably no longer exist. One can #dream!
#dream #echoes #samples #keys #band #drummachine #tape #studio #productions #slystone
#3 Pink Floyd | Echoes. Une évidence à tout point de vue : mélodie envoûtante, solo à chialer, pont psyché au possible, un vrai roller coaster emotionnel qui reste +50 ans après sa parution sur #Meddle et sa version live mythique à Pompei d’une rare puissance. Pour l’anecdote le morceau a pile la durée du dernier acte de 2001 #pinkfloyd #epic #epique #musique #rock #echoes
#echoes #rock #musique #epique #epic #pinkfloyd #meddle
By chance two separate glances meet
And starts to climb towards the light
Come streaming in on sunlight wings
The middle section of #Echoes reminds me of being underwater, listening to the chatter of dolphins and the murmur of whales, with sonar pings from a submarine sitting on the ocean floor. #Surreal #PinkFloyd #Meddle #GreatSongs
#echoes #surreal #PinkFloyd #meddle #greatsongs
And help me understand the best I can?
And no one calls us to move on
By chance two separate glances meet
#Echoes #NewMusic #8tunesat8
Watch "How To Run" on YouTube
Come streaming in on sunlight wings
And no one knows the where’s or why’s