Falco SkyWolf · @falcoskywolf
71 followers · 652 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org

Considering how often we have and thus might repeat a cuss our parents used, I imagine a lot more kids had their mouth washed out than we can figure. I'm grateful it wasn't on my damncestor's list of punishments for ME. Soap is one of my BIGGEST aversions.

#echolalia #autistic

Last updated 1 year ago

Aisling Walsh · @aisling_walsh
160 followers · 111 posts · Server mastodon.ie
CC · @HotWheels
3 followers · 34 posts · Server disabled.social

Had my first today, which I guess means my is coming along well lmao

"Entrega Para Todos"- thanks USPS commercial

#spanishlanguage #echolalia #languagelearning

Last updated 1 year ago

Shem the Penman · @ShemThePenman
25 followers · 74 posts · Server mastodonbooks.net

@actuallyautistic If you know what and is: i always feel the urge to speak out loud words, company names or sentences i read. Do you experience similar feelings? Is there a name for that (that i could speak out loud^^)?

#echolalia #palilalia

Last updated 2 years ago

Zauberlehrling · @rvaughnmd
739 followers · 3391 posts · Server med-mastodon.com

@paul You had me at . We are already there.


Last updated 2 years ago

anna · @joinedfeb2011
58 followers · 842 posts · Server mastodon.lol

A wacky function of my is that bits will occur to me and I won’t know where they came from.

Like right now I have, “I don’t remember much of my formative years. For one, I was a child at the time.”

But I don’t know where that came from!!!


Last updated 2 years ago

Dr. Figuring-things-aut · @AutisticDoctorStruggles
321 followers · 671 posts · Server mas.to

It's funny to notice things I've done over 10 years ago or longer & finally understanding they were autism all along. During my studies I had this thing where I would turn certain "ih" or "eh" sounds in words into a long, emphasized and happy "weeeeeeeeeeeeee!". It was very fun!

#actuallyautistic #echolalia

Last updated 2 years ago

anna · @joinedfeb2011
50 followers · 747 posts · Server mastodon.lol

scripting is just self

#autistic #echolalia

Last updated 2 years ago

Nobody's perfect. It's always easier said than done. But if you want to practice self-care, and you want to have more peaceful and enjoyable days and nights, then tips like these will take you a long way. Your goal is progress, not perfection. You can do it. Peace. (PMM)♧
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Last updated 2 years ago

Rest. You deserve rest. Don't apologize for resting, or for taking care of yourself. Leisure time is as important as work time. You can't be always "on", without burning yourself out. There's a little known but logical old proverb that says, 'when you find that you have dug yourself into a hole, stop digging.' Rest. You do deserve it. Peace be with you. (PMM)♧
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#neurodivergent #Autistic #AuDHD #adhd #autism #PDA #CPTSD #dysthymia #depression #executivedysfunction #pathologicaldemandavoidance #anxiety #abuseandneglect #stimming #echolalia #complexposttraumaticstressdisorder #adultautism #suicide #artists #musicians #craftspeople #Trauma #masking #anhedonia #burnout #selfemployed #OCD #AutisticInertia #emotionaldysregulation #alexythymia

Last updated 2 years ago

Bill Taroli :neurodiversity: · @btaroli
84 followers · 780 posts · Server federate.social

@Jessica Yes, and is itself a . It can be literally repeating words and phrases, and for different purposes. It can also involve filling in vocabulary with heard words and phrases.

My son has always done it and it continues to trip up “.” I have to remind them to inquire if his strikes them as unusual. Don’t always assume he’s being literal. @actuallyautistic

#echolalia #spectrum #professionals #expression #actuallyautistic

Last updated 2 years ago

Jessica :infinity_rainbow: · @Jessica
900 followers · 1490 posts · Server neurodifferent.me

I didn't realise was even a thing until I started to see it mentioned when reading material on being . I then dismissed it as something not relevant to me as I didn't think I did it.

However, after some reflection, I realise I actually do it in two circumstances:

First, I do it to confirm I heard and agree with someone. For example, today someone said to me "...and then we'll let it stay in the warm oven", to which I immediately replied "let it stay in the warm oven".

I think this may also be because I've learned communication skills by studying others and repeating phrases heard elsewhere in attempts to try and sound normal. So when a good phrase is right there in front of me, it seems I'll say it back straight away, even if it was just spoken to me mere moments ago.

Secondly, I seem to repeat nice phrases when in need of comfort. For example, an audiobook I listened to earlier said "...she snuggled down in the cozy blanket", and I instantly said quietly to myself "snuggled down in the cozy blanket", which made me feel better.

It seems I'm still learning about who I am, and I'm thankful to have the space and time to reflect on myself and my actions, because I've been repeating people my whole life, but it never occurred to me what I was doing. Now I know!

#echolalia #actuallyautistic

Last updated 2 years ago

Gabrielle · @moosebegab
126 followers · 4153 posts · Server mastodon.social

just discovered Holderness videos. now I cant stop saying "Leaf.. Leaf Raker."

Every Hallmark Thanksgiving Movie



Last updated 2 years ago