@AE4WX #VOIPHurricaneNet also available via:
#IRLP reflector 9219
#Echolink conference 7203
#AllstarLink hub 28848
#AllStarLink #echolink #irlp #voiphurricanenet
It is now the 15th in Kolkata, India for anyone who might be interested in this special event celebrating the 76th year of India’s independence. The event will include #Echolink comms on VU2WBR-R from 1500-1630UTC / 2030-2200 IST. #HamRadio #hamr #HamSpecialEvent
#echolink #HamRadio #hamr #hamspecialevent
Just had my first taste of #EchoLink on #HamRadio by logging in to my local repeater. My HT was turned on at the time and the repeater automatically announced my callsign, so keep that in mind if you try.
Now I just need to figure out how to CQ and what exactly that entails.
Anyone want to have an Echolink sked?
Hey I want to start a training net for the @thenrao #HamRadio project. But I don't have the BW width as I'm developing curricula, managing classes, etc. I'm looking for volunteers who are open to working with new #hams who are #BIPOC and/or #LGBTQIA to help me standup a net on #Echolink DM me if interested.
#echolink #lgbtqia #bipoc #hams #hamradio
#Echolink #SKYWARN node W9SRC in Blue Island IL (my old stomping grounds) #AmateurRadio
#amateurradio #Skywarn #echolink
We have 4 great nets for you this Friday.
Start your day on North West Fusion with the Squirrel Net at 7am with Linda G0YLM and the gang.
Join us late afternoon at 4pm for the International Net hosted by our friends at KC-Wide. Net control Ian G0VGS.
On North West Allstar the Early Evening Net with Vinny M0VNY is at 6:30pm followed by the Friday Night Net at 8pm with Dan 2E0WFL #hamradio #hamr #amateurradio #c4fm #WiresX #ysf #AllstarLink #echolink
#echolink #AllStarLink #ysf #WiresX #c4fm #amateurradio #hamr #hamradio
Join us tonight at 2100 EDT (0100Z) for the Friday Night Ragchew Net on #Echolink node *DODROPIN* and other linked conference nodes. I'll be your net host. Should be a good time!
my bitch still stands, document guys, document! @drummer86 reports inbound's working, so now the setup's complete and I can kill my $8.50 subscription to the clearnode software as the important bits have been ported to my own image. #amateurRadio #allStar #EchoLink #clearnode.
#amateurradio #allstar #echolink #clearnode
ok, so after @BorrisInABox schools me on echo stink numbering schemes and padding the missing digits with 0's, things look to be working at least outbound via echo stink, incoming wil be tested probably tomorrow, but hey guys? a little better documentation on that front would go a long way, and would have saved us from two days of banging our heads off fuckin' walls, just sayin'! @drummer86. #amateurRadio #allStar #EchoLink
#amateurradio #allstar #echolink
that point when something is broken, and in the grand scheme of things it doesn't actually matter it's broken, but both me and @drummer86 keep beating on it, why? because it's broken and we want to fix it! #amateurRadio #allStar #EchoLink #techFunTimes #ItsBroken!
#amateurradio #allstar #echolink #techfuntimes #itsbroken
I checked in on a net tonight from the #Phillipines through #Echolink node WH0VL-L in #Saipan. How cool is that.
#amateurradio #Saipan #echolink #phillipines