On the Air Now! - Everyone can listen to the DARC (Dallas Amateur Radio Club) Hamfixin’s Net - Hams who cook and share recipes - in Dallas, TX on 146.880MHz PL 110.9 / Echolink W5FC-R. This net meets the 1st & 3rd Mondays at 1900CST / 2000EST / 0100UTC. Everyone - ham or not can listen in on their Broadcastify link here:
https://www.broadcastify.com/listen/feed/29333 #HamRadioNets #AmateurRadioNets #EcholinkNets #Broadcastify
#Broadcastify #echolinknets #amateurradionets #hamradionets
LMARC Sunday Night Net -starting in approx 30mins at 0100UTC / 2000EST featuring trivia and SSTV each and every Sunday night.
#HamRadioNets #DMRnets #BrandmeisterDMR #AmateurRadioNets #EcholinkNets #AllstarNets
#allstarnets #echolinknets #amateurradionets #BrandMeisterDMR #dmrnets #hamradionets
Currently listening to the Puget Sound Repeater Group’s morning edition of “The 9 O’Clock Net” via the connected DODROPIN conference’s talk-group (TGIF DMR TG # 326). All of this is also available on Echolink ~ https://web.psrg.org/net_schedule/ ~ http://www.dodropin.net/index.php/net-schedule~ #AmateurRadio #AmateurRadioNets #HamRadio #HamRadioNets #EcholinkNets #PugetSoundRepeaterGroup #DODROPINconference
#dodropinconference #pugetsoundrepeatergroup #echolinknets #hamradionets #hamradio #amateurradionets #amateurradio
The #KOWABUNGAnet is up and running on the#DODROPINconference on #Echolink. Topics this morning so far include prizes won lately in drawings, old Atari system emulators, Pac-Man and the “Pac-Man Fever” song, the cold weather and driving conditions around the country. This is a good group of folks and always has interesting conversations with a wide range of topics. #EcholinkNets #DODROPIN
#dodropin #echolinknets #echolink #kowabunganet