''On 5 May 2023, #France reported an increase in cases of severe #neonatal #sepsis associated with Enterovirus (#Echovirus-11 (E-11)). A total of nine cases of neonatal sepsis with hepatic impairment and multi-organ failure with seven #deaths were reported between July 2022 and April 2023 from four hospitals in three regions of France.''
#france #Neonatal #Sepsis #echovirus #deaths
#WHO (07 July 2023). Disease #Outbreak News; #Enterovirus-#Echovirus 11 #Infection in the #European Region. Available at https://www.who.int/emergencies/disease-outbreak-news/item/2023-DON474 #pediatrics #epidemics #EID #PICU #NICU #alert
#who #outbreak #enterovirus #echovirus #infection #european #pediatrics #epidemics #eid #PICU #nicu #alert
RT Eurosurveillance
Our new issue is available including a rapid communication on severe #hepatitis in neonates caused by #echovirus 11 from 🇮🇹
📰 https://bit.ly/EUS2824
#TB #tuberculosis #Ukraine #epidemiology #COVID19 #vaccination #VaccineEffectiveness #pandemic #epidemic #Mpox #IDtwitter https://t.co/hkyhXAXFiB
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Eurosurveillanc/status/1669405280512163848
#hepatitis #echovirus #TB #Tuberculosis #Ukraine #Epidemiology #COVID19 #vaccination #VaccineEffectiveness #pandemic #epidemic #mpox #IDTwitter
RT Eurosurveillance
Re @ECDC_EU @ECDC_TB @EU_Health @rki_de @JohnsHopkinsSPH A newly emerging lineage of #echovirus 11 has been associated with severe #hepatitis infections in neonates in 🇫🇷 and now 🇮🇹, mainly affecting male #twins
The Italian strain is closely related to the ones in the French cases
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Eurosurveillanc/status/1669594152714240000
''On 5 May 2023, #France reported an increase in cases of severe #neonatal #sepsis associated with Enterovirus (#Echovirus-11 (E-11)). A total of 9 cases of neonatal sepsis with #hepatic impairment and multi-organ failure were reported between July 2022 and April 2023 from four hospitals in three regions of France. As of 5 May 2023, 7 cases have died and 2 were still hospitalized in neonatal unit.''
#france #Neonatal #Sepsis #echovirus #hepatic
Increased detection of #Echovirus 6-associated #meningitis in patients hospitalized during the #COVID19 pandemic, #Israel 2021-2022 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1386653223000471?dgcid=rss_sd_all
#echovirus #meningitis #COVID19 #israel