SIGIR Forum keynote extended abstract:
On A Few Responsibilities of (IR) Researchers
(Fairness, Awareness, and Sustainability):
A keynote at ECIR 2023
รber den Best Paper Award, den Adam Jatowt (DiSC & Institut fรผr Informatik @uniinnsbruck) und seine Ko-Autoren auf der #ECIR2023 gewonnen haben, sowie den ausgezeichneten Fachartikel gibt es ganz frisch einen Newsbeitrag:
Adam Jatowt @uniinnsbruck, Taishi Hosokawa (Kyoto University) and Kazunari Sugiyama (Osaka Seikei University) won the Best Paper Award at #ECIR2023, the 45th European Conference on #InformationRetrieval, for their paper on temporal natural language inference ๐ฅณ:
#ecir2023 #informationretrieval
As we say goodbye to #ECIR2023, we are thrilled to announce that the next European Conference on Information Retrieval #ECIR2024 will be held in Glasgow, Scotland!
We can't wait to welcome everyone to share their latest research, discuss emerging trends and explore new ideas.
I have a vacancy for a PhD student on transparency and explainability of conversational agents (very relevant in the current age of generative #LLMs!)
The position at LIACS, Leiden University is fully funded and part of the LESSEN project. #ecir2023 #NLProc
Really enjoying #ecir2023!
For #ecir2024, we'll introduce a new event, the Collab-a-thon that will enable teams to discuss new ideas & even build a prototype of their new research idea, tool or resource!
Thoughts and suggestions are welcome c.f.
My (personal subjective) impressions from the first session of #ECIR2023 include:
+ keyword suggestion for scientific documents using connected components for sampling negatives (yet to be read in detail)
+ work from L3S on probing neural ranking models (where intermediate layers seem most useful, would less deep models work well?)
+ query performance prediction still impossible, and
+ mixed results on measuring viewpoint diversity in search engine results.
Food for thought!
Mounia Lalmas' #ECIR2023 keynote argues that discovery, diversity, dynamics and long term satisfaction all interact in recsys (for music at Spotify).
We also learned that you cannot predict Italian user prefs in music from Spanish ones.
Today at #ECIR2023 :
+ one person walking up to me, saying "I know you from" ๐
+ one person saying they miss me on Twitter.
Many cool talks. Tonight welcome reception in a Whiskey brewery!
In the #BIR2023 workshop, Jakob Zavrel is showing the future of academic search with LLMs in ZetaAlpha, with among many other things the current cool work on multi-document summarization by LIACS master student Pavlos Zakkas.
Today we have the Legal Information Retrieval (#LegalIR) workshop at ECIR2023
We have 3 invited speakers, 4 talks, and 7 posters.
Programme and proceedings: You can join us in Dublin or online.
JOKER-2023, a #CLEF2023 shared task on Automatic Wordplay Analysis, will be previewed at #ECIR2023:
#ECIR2023 #CFP Deadline extension for Industry Day - Feb 13th - Hello All,
The deadline for submitting industry day presentations at the 45th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR'23) has been extended to February 13th. The Industry Day of ECIRโ23 will be held on Thursday 6th April 2022 in Dublin, Ireland, immediately after the main conference program. Our goal is to bring together product developers, information professionals and IR researchers to...](;!!HJOPV4FYYWzcc1jazlU!5d68mY8GPiF54-GTA73PsvDxZAp0v9cgzd7MjSg9DlWDO1pYDur_GWeBFtDnXFveGXHKzvivPPgCuK2DcTs5PA$)