Against Eco-Apartheid
As the global economic-ecological crises intensify, the spread of racist nationalism accelerates.
scholar-activist Harsha Walia video talk from June 2023
#AlliedGrounds #ecoapartheid
Who writes about artificial #lakes and #reservoirs in the #Anthropocene ?
I am interested in the trajectory of the #RepresaBillings (Billings Reservoir) in #SãoPaulo as a product of the Anthropocene, and would like to write up an article drawing from my research into the megacity's modern #waterscape.
Related: I am always drawn back to this image that Paulo Whitaker captured in 2015, at the height of São Paulo's #watercrisis esp as it relates to Daniel Aldana Cohen's idea of #ecoapartheid
#ecoapartheid #watercrisis #waterscape #saopaulo #represabillings #anthropocene #reservoirs #lakes
With 22% of all U.S.ians struggling ALREADY to pay their bills, and with little financial ability to make big up front investments, building electrification could result in widening economic and racial #inequality and exacerbating #ecoapartheid which we already observe in our #housing quality and housing security and exposure to #climate disasters.
This makes #ElectrifyEverything a key racial and economic #justice issue.
#inequality #ecoapartheid #housing #climate #ElectrifyEverything #justice