More #fugly #clearcut forests - all courtesy of #EcocidalManiacs #CorporateGreed fueled- #WesternForestProducts - #VancouverIsland North #leaders in rampant #environmental #death / #greenwashing & #lies ✌🌲👎
#fugly #clearcut #ecocidalmaniacs #corporategreed #westernforestproducts #vancouverisland #leaders #environmental #death #greenwashing #lies
@thetyee All this #destruction - #murder of #AncientForests is only possible because of the #greedy ; #exploitive #BCNDP #NewDeathParty leaders in #collusion with #CorporateGreed diseased #EcocidalManiacs & now led by #DavidEby ( #AntiDemocratic #SelloutCoward ) - sitting #BCPremier #Manbaby who was heavily #groomed by #JohnHorgan 💩 #PathologicalLiar & expert in #HorganizedCrimes against #humanity 🤥 #SuperSelloutBC is becoming #SuperUnnaturalBC .
#ForkedTongues should be exposed & cut out.
#destruction #murder #ancientforests #greedy #exploitive #bcndp #newdeathparty #collusion #corporategreed #ecocidalmaniacs #davideby #antidemocratic #selloutcoward #bcpremier #Manbaby #groomed #JohnHorgan #pathologicalliar #horganizedcrimes #humanity #superselloutbc #superunnaturalbc #forkedtongues
Stop #lying about #protecting #OldGrowth in #BritishColumbia #BCNDP #DavidEby #HorganizedCrimes #EcocidalManiacs
THIS IS THE #REALITY OF #deforestation in BC. Photos are from past YEAR! STOP #GREENWASHING #LIES 😡
#StopEcocide #StopClearcuts #WorthMoreStanding #SaveOldGrowth #protectOldGrowth #SacredForests #NewDeathParty #LeadersInDeath #StopCorporateWelfare #JustTransition #Degrowth #SuperSelloutBC #decimation
#lying #oldgrowth #britishcolumbia #bcndp #davideby #horganizedcrimes #ecocidalmaniacs #reality #deforestation #greenwashing #lies #stopecocide #stopclearcuts #WorthMoreStanding #SaveOldGrowth #protectoldgrowth #sacredforests #newdeathparty #leadersindeath #stopcorporatewelfare #justtransition #degrowth #superselloutbc #decimation #protecting