wonderful! Thank you,
@jessicawildfire for this great insight on #NormalcyBias and why 70% of the population !won't! act in line w/ the threat.
The remaining 30% will have to work around them to save Titanic from sinking suddenly and irreparably? Phew! https://jessicawildfire.substack.com/p/its-not-cool-to-overreact-how-normalcy
I find 30% too optimistic wrt #EcoClimateClusterfuck. Eg., #Greengrowth-ism and #hopism are common & contagious in the climate bubble.
These are the ONLY ones who get it: #LastGen #JuststopOil #ScientistRebellion
#normalcybias #ecoclimateclusterfuck #GreenGrowth #hopism #LastGen #juststopoil #ScientistRebellion