@LeafyHistory What a wonderful thread, & fascinating project!
For those scrolling... Dr Raye is mapping changes in the wildlife of #Britain & #Ireland over the last 250-500 years - #seals, #eagles, #frogs & more. I look forward to future posts - #ecology & #history combined!
#britain #ireland #seals #eagles #frogs #ecology #history #ecodons #histodons
Exciting rewilding project in Kent. Aiming to create a range of habitats for native flora and fauna.
#rewilding #RewildingEurope #ecologicalcrisis #climatecrisis #ecodons
#rewilding #rewildingeurope #ecologicalcrisis #climatecrisis #ecodons
Looking at the generation mix this year is interesting. GHG down to 44% oa, but last week 56% due to lack of wind and sunlight. We really need tidal flow gen to give more baseload and address long term storage as more sustainable capacity comes on stream. Batteries are not good long-term storage so this should probably come from gravity energy stores or liquefied air. But we need commercial incentives to build the capacity.
#EcoDons #ClimateActionNow #CarbonSink
#ecodons #ClimateActionNow #CarbonSink
I can't / won't read the article behind the paywall. I hope it says that fusion will be great when it's a scalable and proven safe tech, i.e. in 25 years time. In the meantime we must #ClimateActionNow which means massive investment in renewables and in #EcologicalRegeneration. Anything else is just the magical thinking that got us in this mess in the first place.
#ClimateActionNow #ecologicalregeneration #ecodons #ecologicalcrisis
It's already too late for fusion to save us. we need to act now. renewables and ecological repair are the only tech we can build out quickly enough to hold off disaster. Then when fusion is actually scaleable we can build reactors. Time horizon? 25 years at least.
#ecodons #ClimateActionNow #ecologicalcrisis
UK government are still in the plastics age, so no chance of such an enlightened policy here 🙁.
Have no doubt: opening a coalmine in Cumbria is a climate crime against humanity
@CarolineLucas calls it. At the time digging a new coal pit is #Ecocide and needs to be stopped. It's the worst example of the Tories back to the future mentality. Coal is a 19th century technology and carbon capture and storage never lives up to the promise.
#ecocide #ecodons #climatecrisis #toryinsanity #CrimeAgainstHumanity
Probably doesn't need saying, but I'll try to boost whenever you post using #ECoDons if you do the same for my posts that would be great.
Great I'll have another go myself.
We need someone with a big following like @georgemonbiot or @Molly to adopt #EcoDons too. #Histodons has been very successful for quickly building a vibrant community.
Together we can do it... maybe!
Hi liz. I've been hoping to get #ecodons established as a way for eco activists and concerned to coalesce around on Mastodon. It's not worked so far. Any ideas?
Every time I see this diagram I get a sinking feeling. It shows just how severe the crisis we face is. We need to dramatically reduce size of the RH side, this means a global campaign to reduce meat consumption. Politically difficult, hard for people for whom meat consumption is part of the self image, but we can't restore the stability of our ecosystem without doing this.
#ecodons #regenerativefarming #climate
Guys. Where are you getting these graphics? They're great, and will be a great help in campaigning for new onshore and offshore farms. They show we can achieve #ZeroCarbon power generation.
#zerocarbon #ecodons #climate #climatecrisis #renewables
Sadly when you say 'we' are exporting, you mean the non-UK owners of power generation in the UK. Onshoring the ownership of UK renewables needs to be a focus for new wind and solar farms.
#ecodons #climatechange #climate #decarbonisation
found a lot of historians through hashtags, so follow-up #introduction
I'm currently wrapping-up a series of research projects on the history of #macroeconomics (in #centralbanks, on heterogeneity, tractability, computation)
I'm now turning to #microeconomics (history of taxation & welfare across fields is my angle for the next year)
And I'm writing a textbook on the #history of #economics from 1940
#histsci #histodons #ecodons #histodon #histecon #historyofecon
#introduction #macroeconomics #centralbanks #microeconomics #history #economics #histsci #histodons #ecodons #histodon #histecon #historyofecon