Ich mag mein Ziffenblatt auch. Ist auch das einzige meiner Uhr.
#Citizen #Ecodrive #Funkuhr
Einmal vor Jahren die richtige Zeitzone eingestellt und seit dem immer die genaue Zeit und das Datum, weder Batteriewechsel noch Laden.
True reality is timeless.
#WatchesOfMastodon #Photography #Chronograph #Fotografía #WristCheck #Watchlume #EcoDrive #Horology #Luminous #Citizen #Watches #Clock #Time
#watchesofmastodon #photography #chronograph #fotografia #WristCheck #watchlume #ecodrive #horology #luminous #Citizen #watches #clock #time
@TerryBernstein I had #Citizen #EcoDrive before my Apple Watch. I love the simplicity and how maintenance free it was. This time I sprung (pun not intended) for a fully mechanical automatic #watch. Technically a wedding anniversary gift from my wife, but was allowed to pick one myself.
Off to donate some blood today, sporting the Citizen Eco-Drive Diver. Picked up this puppy for moving to a new job.
I'm only now starting to realise how skinny my wrists are, for a 6 foot 4, 19 stone man 😂
#wristcheck #citizen #ecodrive #diverwatch #diver