Spent the entire last week in #Frankfurt aka Mainhattan where I worked as the senior editor of the English-language #Eurobike Show Daily b2b magazines.
It was great to meet up again with so many fine people from the #bikebiz, and there certainly were some interesting new products as well.
That poster display was a lucky find: Planet Earth on fire and the bicycle as one tiny step to keep it from happening by offering a mode of #transport with a tiny #ecofootprint. #work
#frankfurt #eurobike #bikebiz #transport #ecofootprint #work
"Precision fermentation is at the top of its price curve, and has great potential for steep reductions. Farming multicellular organisms (plants and animals) is at the bottom of its price curve: it has pushed these creatures to their limits, and sometimes beyond. ... every town could have an autonomous microbial brewery, making cheap protein-rich foods tailored to local markets. ...food security..."
#food #ecofootprint
The #8billionpeople milestone was announced on 15 November. It has re-opened the old debate on #populationcontrol versus #consumption by the rich and global #inequality - a new paper by William Rees, the father of the #ecofootprint, for @ViennaYearbook@twitter.com, goes beyond the taboos 1/3
#ecofootprint #inequality #consumption #PopulationControl #8billionpeople
So far for #sustainability… #ecofootprint #backtonormal
#backtonormal #ecofootprint #sustainability
#climatechange cannot be addressed by technical means and innovation alone. Our standards of living in the developed #firstworld are part of the problem - speaking of #ecofootprint and such. We need to reset our focus and priorities, and #efficiency needs to come first in this. And yes, fiscal and financial measures are needed to push for efficiency. Let's make this #NewGreenDeal real, this planet depends on it!
#climatechange #firstworld #ecofootprint #efficiency #newgreendeal