@jensimmons @Ashear
Continuing on the theme of doing things differently rather than continue on the same dead-end; Let's de-fund and cancel, or at the very least shelve (again) #EcoHealthAlliance and any similar projects that may be going on. Not to claim that #GoF created #SarsCov2, if anybody knows that for sure, they are remaining silent. There is however a non-zero chance that it did, against 100% evidence that GoF did not prevent a pandemic, which is the stated goal of the research.
#ecohealthalliance #gof #SarsCoV2
Origines du covid : le livre choc du du chercheur qui travaillait pour l’ONG #EcoHealthAlliance !
Et #Fauci commence à retourner sa veste à quelques jours de l’ouverture des enquêtes parlementaires américaines sur le sujet !
Nouvelle vidéo ➡️ https://youtu.be/VzxJQjniAUU
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/f_philippot/status/1599769916651212800
#NIH to terminate EcoHealth Alliance grant after its #Wuhan partners refuse to deliver information on coronavirus studies | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
The NIH said the Wuhan institute’s experiments under the EcoHealth grant involved viruses that were too genetically distant to have evolved to become SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes #COVID19 . But some critics of so-called #gainOfFunction experimentation—in which pathogens are enhanced in way that makes them, say, more transmissible—have said last fall’s revelations point to risky research projects being undertaken at the laboratory in Wuhan, the city where the first reported cases of COVID were reported.
#EcoHealthAlliance #LabLeakTheory
#LabLeakTheory #ecohealthalliance #GainOfFunction #COVID19 #wuhan #nih
RT @emilyakopp@twitter.com
Surreal: Nature reports on EcoHealth's virus hunting in Southeast Asia without mentioning EcoHealth's partnership with the #Wuhan Institute of Virology, that Zhengli Shi is a coauthor on the paper, or that SARS-CoV-2's closest cousin was discovered in Laos.
#EcoHealthAlliance #Covid19
#COVID19 #ecohealthalliance #wuhan
Virologist who tried to discredit the lab leak theory was once a ‘partner’ to EcoHealth Alliance | Emily Kopp
"Its premise: SARS-CoV-2 doesn't resemble known viruses a lab would commonly experiment on, so it could not have resulted from a lab leak.
That makes #Lipkin 's failure to disclose years of work with EcoHealth — which hunts for unknown viruses — very troubling.
Lipkin's conflict of interest is just the latest in a string of issues with the paper that propped up the scientific "consensus" in favor of a natural origin."
#COVID19 #ecohealthalliance #LabLeakTheory #Lipkin
Virologist who tried to discredit the lab leak theory was once a ‘partner’ to EcoHealth Alliance | Emily Kopp
"Ian #Lipkin who cowrote an enormously influential paper dismissing a lab origin of #COVID19 failed to disclose his partnership with #EcoHealthAlliance .
At 5.7 million views, The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2 is one of the most widely read scientific papers of all time (though it is formally a "correspondence").
#LabLeakTheory #ecohealthalliance #COVID19 #Lipkin