A salutary bit of #ecojustice news, even inspiring: "Once it is fully operational [as early as this fall], Vineyard Wind 1 is projected to generate cleaner electricity for more than 400,000 homes and businesses in Massachusetts, produce at least 3,600 jobs, reduce costs for Massachusetts ratepayers by an estimated $1.4 billion over 20 years, and eliminate 1.68 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually." -- Colin Young, Boston Globe, Aug. 2, 2023. https://www.bostonglobe.com/2023/08/02/business/power-offshore-wind-farms-could-flow-by-fall/
https://bcnature.org/ecojustice-case-against-the-federal-government-re-roberts-bank-terminal-2/ “The #RobertsBank Terminal 2 Project (RBT2) was recently approved—despite the advice of scientists and the protests of many. Four #environmental groups (the Wilderness Committee, the David Suzuki Foundation, the Georgia Strait Alliance, and the Raincoast Conservation Foundation) have engaged #EcoJustice to file in #FederalCourt for a judicial review”
#robertsbank #environmental #ecojustice #federalcourt
Today bookshop.org is offering free shipping! Here's a link to the shop of my Dad's books (this is Heather, his daughter, who runs this account): https://bookshop.org/shop/paulsantmire
@bookstodon #Books #PrimeDays #LutheransRestoringCreation #EcoJustice
#books #primedays #lutheransrestoringcreation #ecojustice
On April 14, 2023, Justice Vermette released her reasons in Mathur v. His Majesty the King in Right of Ontario, 2023 ONSC 2316 (Mathur), the #first #CharterChallenge in #Ontario against a #government actor for actions taken related to #ClimateChange to reach a #FullHearing on its merits in any #Canadian #court
#Canada #legal #CaseStudy #ecojustice #EnvironmentalLaw #ClimateLaw #ClimateJustice #CourtCase #Lawsuit #CanadianLaw
#first #charterchallenge #ontario #government #climatechange #fullhearing #canadian #court #canada #legal #casestudy #ecojustice #environmentallaw #ClimateLaw #climatejustice #courtcase #lawsuit #canadianlaw
#BillS5 was to #modernize #Canadian #EnvironmentalProtectionAct - the right of all people in #Canada to a #HealthyEnvironment is now recognized in law. Although ultimate goal was to have this right enshrined in the #CanadianCharterOfRightsAndFreedoms - getting it into this #law is a great start.
The Environmental Protection Act hadn’t been #updated since 1999.
#environmental #HumanRights #Ecojustice #ActivismWorks #LongBattles #ClimateAction #EnvironmentalJustice
#bills5 #modernize #canadian #environmentalprotectionact #canada #healthyenvironment #canadiancharterofrightsandfreedoms #law #updated #environmental #humanrights #ecojustice #activismworks #longbattles #climateaction #environmentaljustice
“The minister is #LegallyObligated to make an #EmergencyOrder recommendation to cabinet to #protect this #iconic species - any further delay is unacceptable,” said Rachel Gutman, lawyer w/ #Ecojustice - representing #AdvocacyGroup #WildernessCommittee . “With the #logging season upon us and only one #owl remaining in the wild, the failure to immediately protect the species’ remaining habitat risks the #extirpation of the #SpottedOwl from #Canada ”
#legallyobligated #emergencyorder #protect #iconic #ecojustice #advocacygroup #wildernesscommittee #logging #owl #extirpation #spottedowl #canada #britishcolumbia #pnw
It's back! My #Mohawk #NativeMusician friend & fellow #activist Logan Staats is playing at the #VictoriaBC show🎶🎵
Please come out to check out fab music in your own boat or book a spot on one of the sailing boats!
#FestivalAfloat is a #PaddlePowered #MusicFestival & #educational offering that brings together #allied #businesses & #CommunityMembers to #RaiseFunds & #awareness for #Indigenous led #LegalChallenges
#mohawk #nativemusician #activist #victoriabc #festivalafloat #paddlepowered #musicfestival #educational #allied #businesses #communitymembers #raisefunds #awareness #indigenous #legalchallenges #raventrust #ecojustice #pnw #yyj #nativeled
Global News BC: Federal approval of B.C. marine terminal faces dual legal challenges in Canada, U.S. https://globalnews.ca/news/9718120/legal-challenge-robert-banks-terminal-bc/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #RobertsBankTerminal2Project #SouthernResidentKillerWhale #RobertsBanklegalchallenge #TsawwassenFirstNation #RobertsBankTerminal2 #RobertsBankTerminal #chinooksalmon #pacificsalmon #Environment #Ecojustice #DeltaBC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #robertsbankterminal2project #southernresidentkillerwhale #robertsbanklegalchallenge #tsawwassenfirstnation #robertsbankterminal2 #robertsbankterminal #chinooksalmon #pacificsalmon #environment #ecojustice #DeltaBC
When I went up to #Nanaimo with some fellow #WorthMoreStanding #SaveOldGrowth #Indigenous #activists to provide court support to our allies/accomplices arrested for protecting #AncientForests from #deforestation ✊🌲
Ojistoh, me, Grandma Losah, Chiyokten & RavenWolf ❤🙌🦅
#environmentalalists #ecojustice #SocialJustice #ForestProtectors #ActivistCommunity #solidarity #EarthProtectors #WaterProtectors #GuardiansForNature #ProtectTheWild #WildFirst #NatureFirst #BCNDP #NewDeathParty
#flashbackfriday #nanaimo #WorthMoreStanding #SaveOldGrowth #indigenous #activists #ancientforests #deforestation #environmentalalists #ecojustice #socialjustice #forestprotectors #activistcommunity #solidarity #earthprotectors #waterprotectors #guardiansfornature #protectthewild #wildfirst #naturefirst #bcndp #newdeathparty
#GHGemissions associated with #logging & #WoodUse were approximately 75 megatonnes in 2020, matching #emissions from all of #Canada ’s #oilsands operations, & making logging one of the #HighestEmitting sectors of Canada’s economy.
Canada’s #failure to #report #LoggingEmissions is a #SeriousProblem ..
#StopEcocide #CorporateGreed #corrupt #Unethical #Dishonest #LackOfTransparency #ClimateChange #ecojustice #StopClearcutLogging #JustTransition #Degrowth #StopDeforestation
#GHGEmissions #logging #wooduse #emissions #canada #oilsands #highestemitting #failure #report #loggingemissions #seriousproblem #stopecocide #corporategreed #corrupt #unethical #dishonest #lackoftransparency #climatechange #ecojustice #stopclearcutlogging #justtransition #degrowth #stopdeforestation
#Alleged #offenses allegedly occurred last September. In her affidavits, the #investigator Nathalie Ricard explains that she came up against an #inadmissibility in the context of an 'inspection concerning #mining #effluents – residues which may contain #toxic substances.
At #MontWright, the #multinational had its knuckles slapped on more than one occasion when it comes to the #environment
#Quebec #CorporateGreed #unethical #CorporatePolluter #Canada #Canada #ecojustice
#alleged #offenses #investigator #inadmissibility #mining #effluents #toxic #montwright #multinational #environment #quebec #corporategreed #unethical #corporatepolluter #canada #ecojustice
Hello to new followers! Just so you know - these are my top things to toot about/things I'm passionate about:
- #HumanRights
- #Environmentalism
- #SocialJustice
- #EcoJustice
- #DisabilityRights & advocacy
- #StopRacism
- #misogyny
- #CancelBillionaires
- #DisbandRCMPCIRG
- #DefundRCMP
- #CorporateGreed
- #Equity & #FairWages
- #Geopolitics
- #Trauma #Recovery #InterpersonalRelationships
- #Art & #Music
- #Psychology & #neuroscience
This is my nutshell quickie.
#humanrights #environmentalism #socialjustice #ecojustice #disabilityrights #stopracism #misogyny #cancelbillionaires #disbandrcmpcirg #defundrcmp #corporategreed #equity #fairwages #geopolitics #cptsd #ptsd #adultadhd #trauma #recovery #interpersonalrelationships #art #music #psychology #neuroscience
"Why I wrote EcoActivist Testament," a >2 minute video. In this video you will see this octogenarian (me) worshiping with nature at our old farmhouse in the western mountains of Maine.
If you are a faith-driven #ecoactivist, I wrote this for you. If you are sometimes on the verge of despair, wondering "why bother!?" I wrote this for you.
#ecoactivism #ecojustice #spirituality #rest #theology #LutheransRestoringCreation #lutheran #elca #PaulSantmire #HPaulSantmire
#ecoactivist #ecoactivism #ecojustice #spirituality #rest #theology #lutheransrestoringcreation #lutheran #elca #paulsantmire #hpaulsantmire
There were sharp words & fiery exchanges this week at a #TownHall meeting between #ImperialOil & residents of #FortChipewyan , #Alberta .
It was the #FirstTime the company met with #residents of the #community on the western shore of #LakeAthabasca since #wastewater #seepage was discovered from #TailingsPonds at Imperial Oil Ltd.'s #KearlLake# oilsands site near #FortMcMurray . Fort Chipewyan is downstream from the tailings ponds.
#townhall #imperialoil #fortchipewyan #alberta #firsttime #residents #community #lakeathabasca #wastewater #seepage #tailingsponds #kearllake #fortmcmurray #pollution #ecocide #canada #ecojustice
(Last week, officials with the #IndianResourceCouncil (IRC), which represents more than 100 #FirstNations with #OilAndAas reserves, met with the province's #environment and #energy ministers to #lobby for the $130 million to be spent on the continued #remediation of wells on First Nation land.)
#ecojustice #reparations #pollution #AbandonedOilWells #CleanUpCosts #NativeLand #Indigenous #HumanRights #Alberta #Canada #CanPoli #ABpoli
#indianresourcecouncil #firstnations #oilandaas #environment #energy #lobby #remediation #ecojustice #reparations #pollution #abandonedoilwells #cleanupcosts #nativeland #indigenous #humanrights #alberta #canada #canpoli #abpoli
#Indigenous #activists #protesting #environmental #damage in their territory have #occupied an #oil #mine in the #Peruvian #Amazon & trapped 41 workers there, state oil company #PetroPeru said on Friday. They want PetroPeru to #CleanUp their land, which was damaged by an #OilSpill 25 years. ago.
#SupportNativeRights #StopEcocide #Peru #landback #FirstNations #PeruTribes #CorporateGreed #pollution #ecojustice #EnvironmentalJustice #Unceded #NativeLand #IndigenousTerritory
#indigenous #activists #protesting #environmental #damage #occupied #oil #mine #peruvian #amazon #petroperu #cleanup #oilspill #supportnativerights #stopecocide #peru #Landback #firstnations #perutribes #corporategreed #pollution #ecojustice #environmentaljustice #unceded #nativeland #indigenousterritory
The #WebOfLife is in #danger of #collapsing due in large part to #ClimateChange , #pollution & #habitat #destruction caused by the #FossilFuel #industry . We're working to #protect #species from these #threats .
#StopEcocide #ecojustice #EarthJustice #EarthProtectors #biodiversity #Degrowth #EarthFirst #OneEarth #OneEarth #environmental #ecology #MotherEarth #MotherEarth #DivestFromFossilFuels #StopCorporateGreed #GreedKills #crapitalism #ecosystems
#weboflife #danger #collapsing #climatechange #pollution #habitat #destruction #fossilfuel #industry #protect #species #threats #stopecocide #ecojustice #earthjustice #earthprotectors #biodiversity #degrowth #earthfirst #OneEarth #environmental #ecology #motherearth #divestfromfossilfuels #stopcorporategreed #greedkills #crapitalism #ecosystems
#GlobalStudy led by #UniversityOfBristol revealed #CarbonSink #vulnerability of #recovering forests. #Tropical #forests are #vital in the fight against #ClimateChange & have great #potential as a carbon sink. However, new #data shows that new tropical #deforestation & forest #degradation are #outstripping rates of forest #regrowth .
#StopDeforestation #StopEcocide #StopClearcuts #SaveOldGrowth #WorthMoreStanding #protectOldGrowth #ClimateAction #ecojustice #ecology
#globalstudy #universityofbristol #carbonsink #vulnerability #recovering #tropical #forests #vital #climatechange #potential #data #deforestation #degradation #outstripping #regrowth #stopdeforestation #stopecocide #stopclearcuts #SaveOldGrowth #WorthMoreStanding #protectoldgrowth #climateaction #ecojustice #ecology
"Some accuse the #FederalGovernment of abandoning the province. Others point to what they call a captive provincial regulator. All agree that there’s no way leaks from #ImperialOil ’s #Kearl #TailingsPonds should have gone #unreported for nine months to both #Ottawa & #Edmonton , as well as the people who live near it."
#Alberta #Canada #Pollution #Oilsands #StopEcocide #EndFossilFuels #Irresponsible #CorporateGreed #GreedKills #ClimateJustice #ecojustice #Environment
#federalgovernment #imperialoil #kearl #tailingsponds #unreported #ottawa #edmonton #alberta #canada #pollution #oilsands #stopecocide #endfossilfuels #irresponsible #corporategreed #greedkills #climatejustice #ecojustice #environment
i’m learning what it means to do and be alive: no masks no bullshit
I’m leaning madness as a politic, a social movement, and a lived experience.
This #book on #madness has changed me.
Writhing Writing: Moving Towards a Mad Poetics
By Phil Smith
i love how learning can happen at anytime in anyplace and with anyone. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT. I would delight in a conversation about this book. Feel free to reach out.
I’ve attached an image of the table of contents so you can have a preview of its #NotWhatYouExpect goodness.
It's won an award and has great reviews on the publisher's site but that only hints at the content. this book lit my brain up in ways that nothing has before.
#MadMastodon #MadMovement #MadStudies #Mad #MadPride #DisabilityJustice #Disability #CreativeNonFiction #Poetics #Sanism #NeuroDivergent #NeuroDiversity #Stories #Ablesim #LivedExperience #Academia #DisabilityRights #SpecialEducation #EcoJustice #MentalHealth
#book #Madness #notwhatyouexpect #madmastodon #madmovement #madstudies #mad #madpride #DisabilityJustice #disability #creativenonfiction #poetics #sanism #neurodivergent #neurodiversity #stories #ablesim #livedexperience #academia #DisabilityRights #specialeducation #ecojustice #mentalhealth