🔖 Step 6: Incorporating keywords or hashtags to enhance visibility and engagement. Example: "Write a humorous Toot as a question for eco-conscious millennials. Include #EcoLiving and #GoGreen." #TootTips #GPT4 #Mastodon
#ecoliving #gogreen #toottips #GPT4 #mastodon
I love this so much and want something like it so bad, but I know that no one reading this is likely to have that option, and I'm again wondering about scalable #ecohousing on the #budget of an existing high rise :brain3:
#solarpunk #earthship #ecofriendly #ecoliving #therearesomegoodideasinhere
Watch "Turns derelict mountain home into #NetPositive dream #homestead" on YouTube https://youtu.be/mNpn5gTBC8U
#ecohousing #budget #solarpunk #earthship #ecofriendly #ecoliving #therearesomegoodideasinhere #netpositive #homestead