
This is my massive axe to grind about modern environmentalism it isn't about the environment at all. Really it is about finding an environmental solution it is about allowing the economy to continue to grow and do whatever the fuck out wants while putting a performative bandaid on the issue. It will literally fix nothing, yet the self-congratulatory mood prevails like it is a great victory for humanity. Environmentalism is nothing more than a smokescreen for capital to continue to grow.

#pnw #orpol #environmentalism #ecologicalDisaster #carboncreditsarebullshit #theroofisonfire #Goldbricking

Last updated 1 year ago


Absolute madness that solely benefits business interests and real estate developers. Thankfully, in Oregon, we have stringent laws on the books preventing this idiotic rollback by the Supreme Court. The whole world is falling apart ecologically, and America is just out here wagging its proverbial dick for pollution.

#ecologicalDisaster #lettheworldburn #waterways #whynotmorepollution

Last updated 1 year ago

How quickly our media moved from such an as 's spill.

#ecologicalDisaster #norfolksouthern

Last updated 2 years ago

Cue the narrative of .

Imagine all the of the , the energy in , in the . The energy in transporting , in flying across the globe to engage in "" etc.

Next imagine being funneled into AI and algorithms that fuel , , , etc.

actually fights -based and

Just the basics of it.

#ecologicalDisaster #bitcoin #energy #bankingCartel #goldMining #bankerFueledWars #gold #bankers #moralhazard #btc #propaganda #geopolitics #weaponsLogistics #mining #debt #humanSlavery #neofeudalism

Last updated 4 years ago