Hello, from the Autonomous Republic of Gardenia! On behalf of Gardenians, the small and often overlooked workers of garden ecology, I look forward to engaging with human gardeners, and the ecologically enlightened. Happy to join you here on Mastadon! Arg!!! #gardenideas , #organicallyGrown , #ClimateJustice , #ecologicalImpact , #beneficialinsects , #beekeeping , #gardendesign
#gardenideas #organicallyGrown #ClimateJustice #ecologicalImpact #beneficialinsects #beekeeping #gardendesign
The #bureaucrats and #policymakers have been trying to decouple #economicGrowth from #ecologicalImpact for years.
Ie. Decouple #GDP from #consumption.
The general consensus was it wasn't possible without gross #financialization and #inequality.
Nothing's changed.
They just using COVID now to achieve an even more pronounced #neoFeudal #corporateState.
If you have symptoms, #JustKeepToYourself.
#covidJobs #uselessJobs #bullshitJobs #covidMarshall #quarantine #hyperAuthoritarianism
#bureaucrats #policymakers #economicGrowth #ecologicalImpact #gdp #consumption #financialization #inequality #NeoFeudal #corporateState #JustKeepToYourself #covidJobs #uselessJobs #bullshitjobs #covidMarshall #quarantine #hyperAuthoritarianism