🔥🌍🔥 #ClimateCrisis 🔥🌍🔥
🆘 😱 #EcologicalBreakdown 😱🆘
🆘🌍🔥 #ClimateActionNow 🔥🌎🆘
Live streaming from #TheBigOne....
🔥🌍🔥 #London 🔥🌍🔥
🤝 🫂 #UniteToSurvive 🫂 🤝
#ClimateCrisis #ecologicalbreakdown #climateactionnow #thebigone #london #unitetosurvive
Hilarious seminar this morning about big plans to make a new big observatory by 2050. Business as usual, while the planet is burning, and while we (the privileged) have to ramp down our environmental impact by large factors over the next decades. Looking forward that the boomers retire 🫣 #ClimateEmergency #EcologicalBreakdown
#climateemergency #ecologicalbreakdown
Would you like to speak to the manager? Now you can! En masse! The #StopElsevier campaign provides direct links to the #editorial boards of major #Elsevier journals, which can become your pen pals with the click of a button, to tell them about Elsevier's fossil fuel-promoting activities. 5/n
#OpenAccess #EthicalScience #EthicalPublishing #EcologicalBreakdown #ClimateEmergency
#climateemergency #ecologicalbreakdown #ethicalpublishing #ethicalscience #openaccess #elsevier #editorial #stopelsevier
End of November in north England and the fig tree is trying to grow new figs.
This is not right.
#climatecrisis #ecologicalbreakdown
#climatecrisis #ecologicalbreakdown
Jeremy Hunt completely disregards #climatecrisis #ecologicalbreakdown and says instead to already impoverished freezing households 'Fight Putin' / 'Reduce energy, i.e. be cold' / 'Whilst warmongering-on.'
Side note: ... Absolutely no such request is made by him to corporations.
#climatecrisis #ecologicalbreakdown
Jeremy Hunt completely disregards #climatecrisis #ecologicalbreakdown and says instead to already impoverished freezing households 'Fight Putin' / 'Reduce energy, i.e. be cold' / 'Whilst warmongering-on.'
Side note: ... Absolutely no such request is made by him to corporations.
#climatecrisis #ecologicalbreakdown
Jeremy Hunt completely disregards #climatecrisis #ecologicalbreakdown and says instead to already impoverished freezing households 'fight Putin' / 'Reduce energy, i.e. be cold' / 'Whilst warmongering-on.'
Side note: ... Absolutely no such request is made by him to corporations.
#climatecrisis #ecologicalbreakdown
RT @gretathunberg
"The rate at which wildlife is being destroyed is accelerating and is a direct threat to human civilisation." #EcologicalBreakdown #ClimateBreakdown https://www.independent.co.uk/environment/sixth-mass-extinction-endangered-animals-wildlife-markets-biodiversity-crisis-standford-study-a9544856.html?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1591112891
#ecologicalbreakdown #climatebreakdown
Aujourd'hui des activistes d'XR ont marqué le début du sommet #COP25 en bloquant les entrées.
Iels demandent aux délégué·es une pause et une prise de conscience de toutes les vies passées, présentes et futures perdues en raison du chaos climatique et des effondrements dans la biosphère.
#ClimateEmergency #EcologicalBreakdown #urgenceclimatique #urgencebioclimatique
#cop25 #climateemergency #ecologicalbreakdown #urgenceclimatique #urgencebioclimatique #ultimacop25
RT @GretaThunberg@twitter.com
The longer we wait the harder it gets to turn this around.
So let’s wait no longer.
Those of you who can vote today - vote for a future!!
#ClimateBreakdown #EcologicalBreakdown
#climatebreakdown #ecologicalbreakdown
RT @GretaThunberg@twitter.com
It’s 2019. Can we all now please stop saying “climate change” and instead call it what it is: climate breakdown, climate crisis, climate emergency, ecological breakdown, ecological crisis and ecological emergency?
#ClimateBreakdown #EcologicalBreakdown
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/GretaThunberg/status/1124723891123961856
#climatebreakdown #ecologicalbreakdown
RT @GretaThunberg@twitter.com
It’s 2019. Can we all now please stop saying “climate change” and instead call it what it is: climate breakdown, climate crisis, climate emergency, ecological breakdown, ecological crisis and ecological emergency?
#ClimateBreakdown #EcologicalBreakdown
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/GretaThunberg/status/1124723891123961856
#climatebreakdown #ecologicalbreakdown