The most technologically advanced nations are the most energy- and material-intensive and have the largest per-capita ecological footprints. Hence, the consumer lifestyles of their average citizens (and of the wealthy residents of the developing world) are the least ecologically sustainable on Earth, and cannot be safely extended to humans everywhere.
-- William E. Rees
#sustainability #ecologicalfootprint
Well-written article on #degrowth touches important points of human excess and #planetaryimbalance https://theconversation.com/critics-of-degrowth-economics-say-its-unworkable-but-from-an-ecologists-perspective-its-inevitable-211496 @MikeJoy
#degrowth #planetaryimbalance #ecologicalfootprint #earthovershootday
Sustainable living. Cartoon for Trouw: https://www.trouw.nl/opinie/spotprent~bbc70587/
#sustainability #ecologicalfootprint #lifestyle
Tether Expands: Stablecoin Issuer Announces Sustainable Bitcoin Mining Project in Uruguay - After announcing its plan to invest 15% of profits into bitcoin, the company Tethe... - https://news.bitcoin.com/tether-expands-stablecoin-issuer-announces-sustainable-bitcoin-mining-project-in-uruguay/ #sustainableoperations #marketcapitalization #ecologicalfootprint #tetherbitcoinmining #responsiblemining #stablecoinissuer #stablecoinmarket #renewableenergy #bitcoinmining #btcminingnews #uruguay
#uruguay #btcminingnews #bitcoinmining #renewableenergy #stablecoinmarket #stablecoinissuer #responsiblemining #tetherbitcoinmining #ecologicalfootprint #marketcapitalization #sustainableoperations
Researchers have developed a method for the synthetic manufacture of nutritional #protein using a type of #artificialphotosynthesis. These findings can pave the way for a smaller #ecologicalfootprint in #agriculture: http://go.tum.de/848004
#protein #artificialphotosynthesis #ecologicalfootprint #agriculture #foodproduction
Ich esse seit einiger Zeit nur noch eine Mahlzeit pro Woche Fleisch und vier Mahlzeiten vegetarisch. Damit kann man gut seinen Fußabdruck verkleinern. Bin jetzt bei 4.2 gha (2.6 Erden). 🥳
#movethedate #ecologicalfootprint
Adopting a #carbon tax alone would not be enough to save the planet. Only the #EcologicalFootPrint tax can be an effective tool to measure the impact of human consumption on nature and the resources needed to meet human needs.
#carbon #ecologicalfootprint #environment #climatechange #climateaction #greeneconomy
Les empreintes qui nous guident... #JorgenRanders a été mon héros, le #CSDD ma bête noire. Mais dans le woxx de cette semaine, les rôles sont plutôt inversés. Encore que... Disons que les positionnements et les analyses, au fil des ans, nous permettent d'y voir plus clair. #ecologicalfootprint #transition #luxembourg https://www.woxx.lu/le-csdd-et-la-transition-sappuyer-sur-lempreinte/
#luxembourg #transition #ecologicalfootprint #CSDD #JorgenRanders
Por horrible que parezca, la pandemia del COVID-19 es un mero síntoma de una muy grave disfunción ecológica y humana. La implosión económica prevista se encuentra directamente relacionada. La realidad global es que la sociedad humana alcanzó un estado de sobrecarga.
#huellaecologica #ecologicalfootprint #ecology #decrecimiento #degrowth #chile #latinoamerica #world
What actions are you taking to encourage #action for the #climateemergency #climate #climatechange ? Apart from always trying to reduce my own impact, I’m using my skills in #EnvironmentalEducation to write in local newsletters and educate my grandchildren. We all have a role to play in #climatejustice . Have you examined your own #EcologicalFootprint ?
My 📸
#action #climateemergency #climate #climatechange #environmentaleducation #climatejustice #ecologicalfootprint
@White_Bite Interesting: SARS-CoV-2 as a contraceptive — in the end, 8 billion people is also enough.
#sixthwaveofextinction #ecologicalfootprint #overpopulation
Columna de Bill Rees, co-creador de la Huella Ecológica: "Por horrible que parezca, la pandemia del COVID-19 es un mero síntoma de una muy grave disfunción ecológica y humana. La implosión económica prevista se encuentra directamente relacionada. La realidad global es que la sociedad humana alcanzó un estado de sobrecarga."
#Chile 🇨🇱
#calentamientoglobal 🌎
#ecology #ecologicalfootprint #huellaecologica #news #latinx #climatechange #calentamientoglobal #chile #ecologia
Eine Karte, die zeigt, wie und wo Strom produziert wird:
#movethedate #ecologicalfootprint
#movethedate #ecologicalfootprint
Fuck, ich bin mit meinem ökologischen Fußabdruck von 5.1 gha (3.2 Erden) nicht nur deutlich über dem, wo ich gerne wäre sondern auch über dem deutschen Durchschnitt von 4.7 gha.
#movethedate #ecologicalfootprint
My personal Earth Overshoot Day is July 7th. If everyone lived like me, we would need 1.9 Earths.
Not too bad (less than the average in Europe) but still impossible to maintain in the long run.
I'm gonna assume my geekery (buying gadgets) and shopping a lot of non-locally sourced products are not helping and I should definitely do better on that front.
Invest in better energy efficiency for my home would also be pretty good.