‘Ecological grief’ for eradicated birds
"Despite the violent disruptions of colonisation, Māori and other Indigenous peoples around the world have continued to hold worldviews where biological beings are interlinked in a complex web of life."
"Expressions of ecological grieving, such as whakataukī (proverbs) mourning the loss of the moa, play an important role in maintaining these worldviews."
#extinction #birds #worldviews #IndigenousPeoples #WebOfLife #EcologicalGrief #nature #MereStuff
#extinction #birds #worldviews #indigenouspeoples #weboflife #ecologicalgrief #nature #merestuff
https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/amerika/pinguine-uruguay-100.html #ecologicalgrief ist ein #, den ich kürzlich das erste mal gesehen habe und er passt so gut zu sooo vielen Meldungen 😔
Global News BC: Wildfires sweep across Nova Scotia fueling ‘eco-anxiety’ among Canadians https://globalnews.ca/news/9732396/canada-wildfires-eco-anxiety/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #NovaScotiaWildfires #NovaScotiawildfire #ecologicalanxiety #AlbertaWildfires #halifaxwildfires #whatisecoanxiety #ecologicalgrief #ClimateChange #BCwildfires #eco-anxiety #HealthNews #eco-grief #Wildfires #Canada #Health
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #novascotiawildfires #novascotiawildfire #ecologicalanxiety #albertawildfires #halifaxwildfires #whatisecoanxiety #ecologicalgrief #climatechange #BCwildfires #eco #healthnews #wildfires #Canada #health
Please help me explore how people understand environmental loss and #EcologicalGrief
The online survey will give you a scenario and then you just write what happens next.
More info and survey here: https://plymouthpsychology.fra1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6VhoxMzwPqfYHgq
#ecologicalgrief #storycompletion #thematicanalysis #psychology
RT @bjkingape
As I finish up new writing on grief, including animal grief, I find just the perfect paper to discuss in my conclusions! By @AshleeCunsolo @NevilleREllis on ecological grief. #grief #ecologicalgrief #climate #environment #anthropology
#grief #ecologicalgrief #climate #environment #Anthropology
Give this a👂. The Pointer #podcast about #wetland conservation, #scicomm , and finding #optimism to combat #ecologicalgrief. Journalist Rachel Morgan and I talk to host Joel Wittnebel
#environtment #onpoli #biodiversity #conservation
#podcast #scicomm #optimism #ecologicalgrief #environtment #biodiversity #conservation #wetland #onpoli
RT @panupihkala@twitter.com
My new article is out! “The Process of #Ecoanxiety and #EcologicalGrief: A Narrative Review and A New Proposal”, open access at Sustainability, https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/14/24/16628. Aim: a model which is both simple and nuanced enough. Includes both chronological and thematic aspects. (1/8)
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/panupihkala/status/1602629922023165952
These #swans very near my home have died of #BirdFlu. They've given me a lot of joy and solace and I will miss them so much. Find it very difficult when local and global #EcologicalGrief are entwined.
#ecologicalgrief #birdflu #swans
✨That’s Hindsight officially launched ✨
Friends were there from slightly different parts of my life and it was a beautiful thing to have them all in one room to this share this moment with them. And yes, I wore an ill fitting, badly altered , Depop purchase.
#Hindsightbook #BirlinnBooks #nonfiction #scottishwriting #rewilding #ecologicalrestoration #highlands #ecologicalgrief #highlandwriter #ecofeminism #scottishconservation
#scottishconservation #ecofeminism #highlandwriter #ecologicalgrief #highlands #ecologicalrestoration #rewilding #scottishwriting #nonfiction #birlinnbooks #hindsightbook