Did you know that almost all of what is today called the Southeastern United States was grassland 300 years ago?
It was a mosaic of ancient prairies, savannas, and other grassland types, with interspersed forests, and it had been for millions of years. Recent research from the Southeastern Grasslands Institute suggests that more the 120 million acres of the richest grasslands on earth existed in the Southeast only a few hundred years ago.
Fire suppression/loss of indigenous fire and US agriculture have been the biggest factors in the loss of these once-mighty grasslands. But restoration and recreation are still feasible. Grasslands are too often forgotten in the conversation of conservation. Please don't let it stay like that.
This painting is a reconstruction of what Montgomery, AL would have looked like in 1775. Beautiful rolling blackland prairie as far as you can see.
#Conservation #Grasslands #EcoRestoration #Alabama #EcologicalJustice
#ecologicaljustice #alabama #ecorestoration #grasslands #conservation
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