Gary · @empiricism
351 followers · 2627 posts · Server

Imagine a people that generally cared for nature. l don't simply mean that they liked to believe they cared - but their actions demonstrated otherwise.

A culture that's founding principles were to respect & protect the that the culture was dependent on.

Well, such eco based sub-cultures are developing, even amongst the dominant, exploitative & corrupt corporate monopolies - that are the ecologically & psychologically maladaptive agenda's "they" call "normal". Or whatever the dominant, nature exploitative culture wants to call it's nature trashing, unsustainable, plastic & air polluting excuse for "intelligence" and "leadership".

Hope that was clear enough for those that know how to listen - to the generally unnoticed & unheard voices of the species that the dominant cultural mindsets are driving towards

"Imagine a world living abundantly, while within its limits. A world that is regenerating rather than depleting the environment, and where cooperation and connection are rewarded. GEN aims to create such a world by spreading the physical and cultural technology of ecovillages. We invite you to get involved with this work!"

#psychology #extinction #ecologicalsustainability #wildlife #ecovillage #ecology

Last updated 1 year ago

Gary · @empiricism
336 followers · 2400 posts · Server

Have you noticed the psychology of some more elderly adults believing that there is something "wrong" with the younger generation - because the more elderly generation don't "get" the younger generations fascination with the 'modern gadgets'.

In generally, developmental psychology shows how people's minds & behaviours, for example, their learning & what they learn, political ideologies, Belief's, habits, etc, form in the earlier years of their lives.

Therefore, human civilisations tend to change, more, by the birth death cycle. Rather than individuals changing their behaviours (& beliefs, politics, etc).

Will the up and coming generation, that has been exposed to more environmental information, be the generation that listens to the 'science' to develop an ecological sustainable culture? The pace of change, to adapt, to mitigate climate change, is currently too slow.

Old habits can be adopted or die out. The habits associated with ecological degradation will, inevitability, in time, die out.

#science #psychology #DevelopmentPsychology #ecologicalsustainability #culture

Last updated 2 years ago

Didier · @ON8SD
156 followers · 308 posts · Server

Bon, ik heb hulp nodig vrees ik ...

De bedoeling was dus om onze trampoline-put in het binnenspeelseizoen te gebruiken als wadi voor de overloop van onze 2e regenwaterput. Ondertussen is het al een tijdje geleden dat het nog geregend heeft en die put ziet er nog altijd uit als een vijver...

Zijn er trucjes om dat op te lossen of is het hopeloos?

#natuur #ecologicalsustainability #ecolonomy #grondwater #regen

Last updated 2 years ago

Mark Davies · @markyadavies
569 followers · 128 posts · Server