I am also looking for at least one more person to ID birds from audio in Oregon. The job is flexible and paid hourly. Please share with your bird buddies!
#birds #birwatching #birdID #ecology #ecologyjobs
If interested please fill in this form:
#birds #birwatching #birdid #ecology #ecologyjobs
Looking for a research position to disentangle how species range characteristics, functional, and phylogenetic diversity predict the extinction risk of plants across regions and species in a vibrant research environment and livable city?
In the Macroecology & Vegetation Science group of @ufz ’s Department of Community Ecology in Halle (Saale), such a position is available:
#ecologyjobs #aquaticecology #lakes #freshwater Are you our new colleague? Permanent job for a researcher on lake ecology at NINA: https://nina-english.attract.reachmee.com/jobs/36-researcher-in-aquatic-ecology-and-lake-ecosyste closing date 15th August.
#ecologyjobs #aquaticecology #lakes #freshwater
I'm looking to recruit people for a PAID opportunity to identify plants from photos. Please DM for more deets or respond & I'll DM you.
Pls share with anyone who might be interested.
The #WaterlooWetlandLab is #hiring summer field techs at $22/hr for 37.5 h/week from May 1 - Aug 31. These positions require the ability to travel and conduct field #ecology research in remote #wetlands and #lakes. Must be able to #walk long distances over uneven terrain and carry up to 50 lbs packs. Must have a valid class G driver’s license and clean driving record. Must be a resident of #Ontario. Please share!
#hiringnow #ecologyjobs #conservationjobs
#WaterlooWetlandLab #wetlands #ontario #hiringnow #ecologyjobs #hiring #ecology #lakes #walk #conservationjobs
Birdwatch Ireland seasonal fieldworker posts
#ecoevojobs #ecologyjobs #ornithologyjobs
#ecoevojobs #ecologyjobs #ornithologyjobs
PhD position in Disease Evolutionary #Ecology (m/f/x) at #LeibnizIGB
#ecologyjobs #phdchat
#Daphnia #Microplastics
Application Deadline 2023-02-10
#ecology #leibnizigb #ecologyjobs #phdchat #Daphnia #microplastics