Manuscript on #craniofacial variation in #sympatric #ecomorphs of #ArcticCharr
This darling is nearly ready for submission. Very cool results from a study led by Guðbjörg Ósk Jónsdóttir and Sarah Steele, based on pioneering work by Finnur Ingimarsson and Sigurður S. Snorrason.
Diversity in the internal functional feeding elements of sympatric morphs of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus)
#craniofacial #sympatric #ecomorphs #arcticcharr
This year all four of my #MscBiology students graduated
Two of them are here in the middle
Kristján and Guðbjörg, both worked on #ArcticCharr #sympatric #ecomorphs
#craniofacial #diversity
#diversity #craniofacial #ecomorphs #sympatric #arcticcharr #mscbiology