@FinalOverdrive @hannu_ikonen Exactly--which is why our target SHOULD be certain PEOPLE. Namely, executives and their political puppets who push this shit out of something worse than racist or homophobic malevolence: simple ugly all consuming greed. What I call #EconomicGenocide
Pfizer is a shit company run by an asshole, Albert Bourla, garbage products for outrageous prices leading to disability and death and bankruptcy = #EconomicGenocide Even their vaccine is shitty. I will endeavor NEVER to use any more of their garbage. (GSK is suing too over RSV vax, and they are also a shithole company.)
#toronto #DisabilityJustice #bondhotel #economicgenocide
PHRMA has devolved, with every pharma co ceo/exec implicated, into a tool of monetizing and ONLY at HUGE profit. Otherwise? You can fuck off and die. #EconomicGenocide Example? Cure for hep C for YEARS and MOST never get it. Local and global horror. Need albuterol? Fuck you. Not science, medicine nor public health--just greed and horror.
Patents were designed to stimulate innovation. Instead, they now abet resource rape and #EconomicGenocide by asshole profiteers like Pfizer, Gilead, GSK, Merck, BMS, ad nauseam...and turn clinical trials into marketing tools. CEOs must be brought under control or imprisoned for the harms and deaths their greed causes.
@breadandcircuses A good start would be going after these Geocidal Maniacs. Prison for what they've done, strip company assets, put toward saving our only planet. #EconomicGenocide --> #EconomicGeocide
#economicgenocide #economicgeocide
@mrchrisadams A fine idea! Like these Geocidal Maniacs to start...
#EconomicGenocide --> #EconomicGeocide
#economicgenocide #economicgeocide
For #pharma I call out #pandemicprofiteering and #EconomicGenocide since we still need Jayapal/Sanders-style #Medicare-for-All
#pharma #pandemicprofiteering #economicgenocide #medicare
Gee. What a surprise. Hoarding kills. As did @pfizer_news and @moderna_tx's #PandemicProfiteering, causing #EconomicGenocide w/Biden's complicity and waste of fed funds.
#pandemicprofiteering #economicgenocide
Murky Merck thinks "fair" value is price gouging people into bankruptcy, harming and killing millions globally who can't afford their ransom demands. #EconomicGenocide Fuck pharma.
Oily murderpig f^ckstains #RBC are enacting colonial violence by refusing to allow Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chiefs and land defenders at their AGM. This shows the lengths to which the #RoyalBankOfColonizers will go to protect its toxic fossil fuel investments. #RBCRevealed
Also here's a #NaziBirdSite link:
#rbc #royalbankofcolonizers #rbcrevealed #nazibirdsite #landback #AllOutForWedzinKwa #economicgenocide
Look at what @POTUS does, not what he says. And Sec;y Becerra and @NIH? Typically corrupt, typically SHAMEFUL. #EconomicGenocide
Biden sticks with another enabler of #EconomicGenocide.
@rbreich This greed has direct and clear consequences in disabling and killing people around the world. They know it; why I call this greed #EconomicGenocide