ICANN asks registrars to crack down on scam coronavirus websites - It doesn't have regulatory authority, so it can't do much, but the hundreds of registrars it autho... more: https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2020/04/14/icann-asks-registrars-to-crack-down-on-scam-coronavirus-websites/ #economicimpactpayments #domainregistrars #securitythreats #coronavirus #domainnames #registrars #law&order #infodemic #phishing #covid-19 #dataloss #pandemic #malware #icann #scams #whois #spam
#spam #whois #scams #icann #malware #pandemic #dataloss #covid #phishing #infodemic #law #registrars #domainnames #coronavirus #securitythreats #domainregistrars #economicimpactpayments
Watch out for the new wave of COVID-19 scams, warns IRS - If somebody promises to get your economic impact payment fast, back away: it's just one flavor of ... more: https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2020/04/03/watch-out-for-the-new-wave-of-covid-19-scams-warns-irs/ #economicimpactpayments #internalrevenueservice #securitythreats #identitytheft #coronavirus #taxreturns #law&order #dataloss #phishing #covid-19 #pandemic #scams #irs #pii
#pii #irs #scams #pandemic #covid #phishing #dataloss #law #taxreturns #coronavirus #identitytheft #securitythreats #internalrevenueservice #economicimpactpayments