I've said this before elsewhere but whenever I think of how we can address #ClimateDisruption, I always run up against our extreme #EconomicInequity. Raise the price of gas - hurts poorer people most and the rich aren't affected. The same for taxes & penalties on any other kind of #consumption.
Also, to circle back on our earlier discussion about liberals and consumption, lefties do A LOT of traveling, which is ecologically expensive. Whenever I bring it up, it's dismissed.
#climatedisruption #economicinequity #consumption
Feeling philosophical today: I guess this begs the question why do some people choose to do good while others choose to do bad? #Upbringing? #Genetics? #EconomicInequity? #Circumstances? #Sociopath? #Psychopath?
#psychopath #sociopath #circumstances #economicinequity #genetics #upbringing
Feeling philosophical today: I guess this begs the question why do some people choose to do good while others chose to do bad? #Upbringing? #Genetics? #EconomicInequity? #Circumstances? #Sociopath? #Psychopath?
#psychopath #sociopath #circumstances #economicinequity #genetics #upbringing
Looking for a new home as the last one seems to be on fire with some maniac driving it off a cliff to boot. #podcast #homeless #humanrights #dignity #housing #Housing4All #seattle #socialjustice #inequity #EconomicInequity #tinyhomes #podcasts #human #storyteling #documentary
#podcast #homeless #humanrights #dignity #housing #Housing4All #seattle #socialjustice #inequity #economicinequity #tinyhomes #podcasts #human #storyteling #documentary
Our office building's mail carrier is a tiny, bent-over elderly Chinese man.
It isn't right.
Grandfather needs to be enjoying his retirement and pension, not walking all over the g*ddamn city delivering mail.
Now I know what 'impotent with rage' feels like.
The city makes me complicit in the things I hate.