What if a business "going public" (#IPO) meant being converted into a cooperative? The #founder gets their cash payout for building something of value to the community by actually *selling* it to the community? Power to the people!
I want to see laws passed that help promote and incentivize this option.
#Cooperatives reduce:
* #Inequality
* #EconomicInstability
* #PerverseIncentives
* #ConflictsOfInterest
The #profit made by a cooperative goes back into the #community, and their #leadership decisions are made by the community, because they are #CommunityOwned.
That means they'll listen if you say #climate matters. They'll care if you want to look out for the #disadvantaged in your community. They won't try to rake you over the coals with #PriceGouging. They won't try to trick you with #FalseAdvertizing. They won't try to manipulate you into #overspending or #ImpulseBuys. Because "they" are YOU.
#ipo #founder #cooperatives #inequality #economicinstability #perverseincentives #conflictsofinterest #profit #community #leadership #communityowned #climate #disadvantaged #pricegouging #falseadvertizing #overspending #impulsebuys
An ariel view of the River Tyne in 1935, Hebburn to the right, Walker to the right. Today, the view is very different. Housing occupies much of the Riverside, only on the north bank is there any industry alive. If Brexit was to work in the North East, massive investment needs to be made to end our dependency upon imports.
#economicinstability #lostopportunities #brexit #rivertyne #deindustrialisation #industrialruin #northeast