The current economic paradigm was constructed to feed off of the masses and nourish those rigging and controlling it.
Yes. It is that dark and evil.
Society needs to awaken to consciousness, to see what is truly going on, to be able to have abilities to change and transcend it.
Politics, rigged and controlled by those doing this to humanity, will never save us.
The ascension of consciousness of the masses is the only way to potentially save humanity from its coming destruction.
There are too many waiting in the wings for the end times, because within their judgments they falsely believe they are saved.
Little do they comprehend their own complicity of cause and effect, karma, in the judgment they are bringing down on their own souls.
The abilities of response for discernment is needed, if transcendence is to occur.
#Economics #EconomicParadigm #ParadigmShift #RaiseTheNarrative #Discernment
#economics #economicparadigm #paradigmshift #raisethenarrative #discernment