Time for an intro post now that I've linked my RePEc author profile to this account. Only verification system we need! ^_^
I'm a #LawAndEconomics applied microeconomics scholar studying topics in #OccupationalLicensing, #EconomicsOfCrime and #HealthEconomics. I also research the #HistoryOfEconomicThought.
I'm an Assistant Professor at San José State University (up for tenure!) and love talking about research with new folks. Hello hello! 😃
#lawandeconomics #occupationallicensing #economicsofcrime #healtheconomics #historyofeconomicthought
@Mwilljr @katiebollman
I don't see an economics of crime, criminal justice and policing group in the @economics subfield list. @robgillezeau might have an interest here.
Is there much of an #EconomicsOfCrime or #RacialInequality presence here on Mastodon yet? Of course, would love to reconnect or connect with many others as well.
#economicsofcrime #racialinequality