Cronical · @Gdobbs2
50 followers · 81 posts · Server

This seems pertinent to the current situation… call it perhaps for

…if the governing institutions fail to prevent the violation of agreements - or indeed racketeering, theft, intimidation nepotism or discrimination - trade is likely to be significant harder and the typical gains it conveys less available.
Citing North, Douglass, Institutions, Institutional Change, and Economic Performance,
Cambridge University Press, 1990.

#economists #ruleoflaw

Last updated 1 year ago

A.Stringer · @Annekin
113 followers · 908 posts · Server

"While governments outside of Westminster are experimenting with exciting new ideas – , , , and a agenda, to name a few – Britain looks set for another four years of (or at least austerity-lite) government."

Why I joined 70 and human rights experts urging to change course | Kate Pickett | The Guardian

#labour #economists #austerity #humanrightsfocusedeconomic #universalbasicincomes #wellbeingeconomics #doughnuteconomics

Last updated 1 year ago

John Refior · @jrefior
355 followers · 2688 posts · Server

This is the work of economists, especially. If you think economists are justifying the status quo, you’ve basically been misled. Sure you can find a few, but most work by economists is in (sometimes subtle but) direct opposition to politicians, their donors (including corporations and the wealthy), and the masses of people who are fooled by them.

🧵 9/9

#economists #economics #politics

Last updated 1 year ago

mohansus · @mohansus
206 followers · 157 posts · Server

studying the now resemble the parable of The Blind Men and The Elephant!

Nobody knows what's happening with the Citi quoted saying as much.

My take is that a combination of (read and the "hopeless" ), , and (again makes a "guest" appearance here as well) have led to a "bizzare" state of the .

AND, that is a PROBLEM for all of us!!

#economists #useconomy #economist #populism #trump #republicans #pandemic #putin #DonaldTrump #american #economy

Last updated 1 year ago

PoliticalPuffin in the UK · @PoliticalPuffin
207 followers · 888 posts · Server All are not necessarily status quo, 'rational actor', growth is great types. I've just read and it is what I've been thinking for decades but unable to express (at least without bursting into flames due to rage)

, using his educational journey from student to prof to tell the story of how & why the dominance of economics and the continual growth myth came to be and what can be done to change this, sharpish!

Simply excellent

#economists #theprogressillusion #jonderickson

Last updated 1 year ago

mohansus · @mohansus
205 followers · 156 posts · Server

India economic growth likely picked up pace in April-June, according Reuters poll

India economic growth likely picked up pace in April-June, according Reuters poll.

The is on a roll, indeed. The Reuters is around 7.7% in . However, the quoted in this say this "blistering" and "world beating" simply isn't enough for creating the needed for to actualize a "true" .

#indianeconomy #forecast #q2 #fy24 #economists #article #growth #jobs #india #developed #economy #status

Last updated 1 year ago

Emeritus Prof Christopher May · @ChrisMayLA6
3004 followers · 9483 posts · Server

@fkamiah17 @hughtaylorscifi

I'd say for the most part, most are 'armchair economists' but pretend they're not....


Last updated 1 year ago

Paul Ward :rstats: · @paulward
22 followers · 36 posts · Server
acemaxx · @acemaxxanalytics
268 followers · 3376 posts · Server

and have become more optimistic in recent months b/c has subsided, chart @WSJecon

#investors #economists #Inflation

Last updated 1 year ago

acemaxx · @acemaxxanalytics
265 followers · 3316 posts · Server

, and returning to after 3y of closed borders told that bland party speak is increasingly replacing the frank conversations with officials that they enjoyed before - @economics

#bankers #economists #businesspeople #China #bloomberg #pandemic

Last updated 1 year ago

Cory Doctorow's linkblog · @pluralistic
46368 followers · 43940 posts · Server

Predatory pricing used to be illegal, but convinced judges to stop enforcing the law on the grounds that predatory pricing was *impossible* because no rational actor would choose to lose money. They (willfully) ignored the obvious possibility that a fund could invest in a money-losing business and use predatory pricing to convince retail investors that a pile of shit of sufficient size *must* have a pony under it somewhere.


#chicagoschool #economists #vc

Last updated 1 year ago

aadmaa · @aadmaa
15 followers · 213 posts · Server

@PythonLinks Setting aside James Cameron, who built his own planet years ago, I feel like our individual strengths can only go so far.

There are quite a number of us who have experience organizing within our communities and beyond. That part (as communities) we know how to do. We don't always get it right, but we have the know-how, and the best organizing often emerges as a crisis bears down.

What we are missing is more like a shared (and trusted) set of clear and achievable priorities: what are the highest-value goals we (in our particular community) might organize toward?

That's where we need something I have not seen - a simple set of priorities scored by , with approximate costs provided by (and whoever else is needed) and overall "value" to the climate fight scored by and potentially political economists.

That sort of tool will have issues (e.g., how do you weigh the climate impact vs community impact due to poisoning of a leaking oil well), but also, if it is well-conceived and well-executed, incredible power to enable a decentralized movement to maximize our collective impact - through independent, creative, decentralized organizing.

#economists #engineers #climatescientists

Last updated 1 year ago

steve dustcircle ⍻ · @dustcircle
318 followers · 10368 posts · Server
Lea de Groot 🇦🇺 · @leadegroot
285 followers · 967 posts · Server

I'm a bit of a nerd, and found Ross Gittin's recent article interesting:
See, seems all the have been expecting to increase exponentially, eg by 2% per year (ie, by $2 in the first year then $2.10 in the second year, growing each year)
But recent research shows its actually only growing additively (eg by $2 per 100 a year).
I love it when someone has a revolutionary ('cause it really is) and I go "... oh, yeah, that makes much more sense!"

#math #economists #gdp #idea

Last updated 1 year ago

Ingo Stützle · @istuetzle
1869 followers · 4082 posts · Server

Clara E. Mattei : »We need to look more critically at what the fascist state did and how its policies facilitated its power. … And who designed those policies for the fascists? High-profile , most of them politically liberal. Their architecture of austerity—and this link between liberalism and austerity—remain in play today. Austerity is the core of , even when the austerity is getting administered by a liberal state.«

#austerity #economists #fascism

Last updated 1 year ago

ghost_shit 🚮 · @ghost_shit
520 followers · 10067 posts · Server

@kentparkstreet1 Fucking barbarity, indeed - but all the cunty CEOs and their elected lackeys will argue it's the unseen hand of the market, or some other patent bullshit.

Pretty sure any economist worth their salt could put forward a solid case for universal basic income. Once upon a time, factored *humans* and *society* into their appraisals.

#economists #universalbasicincome #ubi #UBINow

Last updated 1 year ago

Gopi Adusumilli :verified: · @gopi
1797 followers · 1082 posts · Server
JoeChip · @JoeChip
366 followers · 2507 posts · Server

Uncertainty is a progress of sorts - compared to traditional Fed certainties.

#economists #Economy

Last updated 1 year ago

Alex Jimenez · @AlexJimenez
331 followers · 2784 posts · Server

It seems to me that the Fed has no clue what to do. The post pandemic economy is weird and they are just making stuff up hoping for positive results.

#economists #economy

Last updated 1 year ago

Sven Fischer · @Sven
8 followers · 35 posts · Server

Hate speech on comes from a high share of posters and from all types of organisations including high ranking universities. A sobering study by Florian Ederer, Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham, amd Kyle Jensen.

But how representative are those posting on for the profession as a whole? How strong is the selection bias and why does this platform attract these people?

#ejmr #racism #sexism #misogyny #economists

Last updated 1 year ago