🎉 "Public Pre-Primary and Maternal Employment in Algeria: Evidence from a Natural Experiment." with Moundir Lassassi just published in World Bank Economic Review! https://doi.org/10.1093/wber/lhad024
#NewPaperAlert #econresearch #mena
The American Economic Association’s Committee on the Status of Women in the Economic Profession (CSWEP) and the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) invite proposals to evaluate cost-effective and scalable interventions designed to increase the presence and success of women throughout the economics discipline.
Submissions close August 31, 2023. #EconResearch #Funding
The 2023 edition of the Minority Report, a joint production of the AEA’s Committee on the Status of Minority Groups in the Economics Profession (CSMGEP), the American Society of Hispanic Economists (ASHE), the Association for Economic Research of Indigenous Peoples (AERIP) and the National Economic Association (NEA) has now been posted. https://assets.aeaweb.org/asset-server/files/17931.pdf #TeachEcon #EconResearch
🎉 New paper! “Socioeconomic Status and the Changing Nature of School-to-Work Transitions in Egypt, Jordan, and Tunisia.” with Ragui Assaad and @colettesalemi in ILR Review
#NewPaperAlert #mena #labor #econresearch
What are the best *written* #econ journal articles? Looking for examples for students (and others) of how to do it well. Particularly the intro!
Anyone have favorites?
#econ #econtwitter #econresearch #teachingecon
30% of first-time homebuyers get downpayment assistance from parents...
How much of the homeownership rate among young households is accounted for by parental transfers?
This paper finds:
(1) parental transfers account for 15 p.p. (31%) of the young adult homeownership rate
(2) "parental transfers account for 30% of the black-white homeownership gap"
(In short, 30% is a key % in this paper)
Paper by Eirik Eylands Brandsaas here: http://papers.eebrandsaas.com/Homeownership_BankOfMomAndDad.pdf
"Exports and Labor Demand:
Evidence from Egyptian Firm-Level Data" by Claudia N. Berg, Raymond Robertson, Gladys Lopez-Acevedo https://docs.iza.org/dp15627.pdf #NewPaperAlert #EconResearch
"Is International Trade Always Beneficial to Labor Markets? A Case Study from Egypt" by Raymond Robertson, Mexico Vergara, Gladys Lopez-Acevedo
Does racial diversity improve academic outcomes? A natural experiment in higher education classrooms by Yan Lau published in Labour Economics https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0927537122001440 #NewPaperAlert #EconResearch
Any good papers on #tech vs other sectors (incl. the labour market) during the different phases of the #businesscycle?
#Tech #businesscycle #econresearch #econtwitter
Is there an economic rationale for the seemingly (to me) erratic moves of Elon Musk?
What is it that I keep overlooking, #TeachEcon #EconResearch?
Serious Q, students asked and I can't find a rationale.
Sure, he wants to monetize both market size. But I wonder if charging users may not eventually kill both sides of the market.
So excited to see my (first) IZA Discussion Paper come out with Erwin Tiongson! #newpaperalert
During (and after) the #pandemic, expenditure-based welfare measurement has important problems. An #EconResearch thread
#NewPaperAlert #pandemic #econresearch
đź“” : Using #tags will help people find your stuff. Here are some suggestions (note that there is no "correct" way to do this, but coordination helps):
#introduction (for introductions)
#econjobmarket (if you are on either side this year)
And the best for last:
#econjobmarket #conference #seminar #webinar #NewPaperAlert #TeachEcon #econresearch #EconMedia #memes #tags #introduction
Hi everyone!
If anyone knows about studies regarding #junkfood sales within schools could you share them with me please? I haven’t found much on the topic and I am writing my undergrad thesis on that.
Thanks in advance!
I propose
#TeachEcon #EconResearch #EconMedia as three additional tags to distinguish teaching, research, and media articles/blogs/general interest posts.
#TeachEcon #econresearch #EconMedia
This feels like the first day of school.
Hello! T. O. is the name.
I'm a writer (of things). My peers procrastinate by cleaning or finally fixing that leaking tap. Me? I fell into a #econresearch rabbit hole because the economics of writing—like everything under capitalism—made no sense. I'm working to cocoon myself in #communaleconomics through #decoloniality and #engagedanthropology. At present, I'm in the Atlantic Fellows for Social and Economic Equity programme at the LSE.
#introduction 👋🏾
#econresearch #communaleconomics #decoloniality #engagedanthropology #introduction