Weitzman's 1974 "Prices vs Quantities" is another example of a broken symmetry in economics
In a standard model, a tax is equivalent to a quota: pick Q*, get P* or pick P* and get Q*. Weitzman (1974) shows this breaks when firms learn marginal costs and choose production levels after the regulator picks P* or Q*
In the standard model, payoffs are "conserved"; Weitzman's learning assumption breaks this conservation
#econtooter #EconTwitter #econsymmetry
Gonna put this under the #EconSymmetry tag so I can find it again + collect thoughts on symmetries/scaling laws in econ. Probably gonna be mostly enviro/space related. #EconTwitter #econtoots @environmentalecon if anyone else is interested
#econtoots #EconTwitter #econsymmetry