📢Check out the new website for the project PEOPLE-EA, a project where ARIES, as a part of BC3, is helping to generate #EarthObservation -based accounts!
🤝Learn more about this collaboration with Vito Remote Sensing and @esa
#ecosystemaccounting #fornature #ariesforseea #makenaturecount
#earthobservation #ecosystemaccounting #ForNature #ariesforseea #makenaturecount
For our next #EarthEngineUserMeetup on 25 Jan, we are glad to welcome Benjamin Lee from @DLR_de. Benjamin will be speaking about #cloud-based #coastal #EcosystemAccounting.
Register today! https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYsf--hqzMpH9DCQq48FrNjEwS1NM8ELoMf
#EarthEngineUserMeetup #cloud #coastal #ecosystemaccounting
RT @aries_project
🗣️"This is the first ESA project targeted on Ecosystem Accounting"
- Marc Paganini (@esa) at the kick-off meeting of the project ARIES is working on with @VITObelgium for #EO4EA
#seea #ecosystemaccounting #ecosystemservices #eo4ea
RT @aries_project
You can still register to attend the online Workshop on #EarthObservation for #EcosystemAccounting, where five members of the ARIES team will be participating in the 4-day event!
📆Nov 28 - Dec 1, 2022
🔗Check the agenda and register: http://ow.ly/NKUW50LOAcZ
#eo4ea #ecosystemaccounting #earthobservation
RT @aries_project
TODAY | Don't miss @Ikerbasque professor at @BC3Research Ferdinando Villa's talk at the #EarthObservation for #EcosystemAccounting 2022 online Workshop about ARIES for SEEA!
🕙14:00 - 15:00 pm CET
#eo4ea #makenaturecount #ForNature #seea #ecosystemaccounting #earthobservation