RT @dr_snorkel
Do you have a manuscript in preparation on marine plants with a link to ecosystem engineering? Submissions open now. Happy to chat further. #ecosystemengineers #seaweeds @ASPABites @amsa_marine @bps_algae https://twitter.com/dr_snorkel/status/1621452652273082368
From genes to landscapes: Pattern formation and self-regulation in raised bogs with an example from Tierra del Fuego
"Raised bogs, when in a natural state, are among the most resilient ecosystems known; resilience that is provided by feedbacks and backup systems to these feedbacks.
... Bog Sphagna are ecosystem engineers that change their environment to their own advantage ..."
#Mosstodon #Argentina
#Sphagnum #RaisedBog #EcosystemEngineers
#mosstodon #argentina #sphagnum #raisedbog #ecosystemengineers
"The fact that most people know about #beavers is that they build dams. But these structures are more than just a pile of sticks laid in a #stream. They’re hydrological wonders.
Dams form ponds, widen #rivers, and create #wetlands, building all kinds of aquatic habitats that many other animals like #birds and frogs rely on. That’s why beavers are often called #EcosystemEngineers engineers."
#beavers #stream #rivers #wetlands #birds #ecosystemengineers
Illustration of the #biodoversity found at a #beaver pond, courtesy of Worth a Dam.
#Beavers #BeaverRestoration #EcosystemEngineers #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateResilience #Nature #NatureBasedSolutions #Wetlands #Wildfire #KeystoneSpecies #Biodiversity #WaterQuality #Drought
#biodoversity #beaver #beavers #beaverrestoration #ecosystemengineers #climate #ClimateChange #climateresilience #Nature #naturebasedsolutions #wetlands #wildfire #keystonespecies #biodiversity #waterquality #drought
Heidi says, don’t blame the beavers for changes in the arctic. If you like the #arctic the way it was TOO BAD BECAUSE WE HAVE BEEN RELEASING #carbon FOR 100 YEARS and didn’t do anything to stop or slow down even when we could have and now its screwed so there. Gosh I wish there was something that could help make it more livable.”
#Beavers #BeaverRestoration #EcosystemEngineers #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateResilience #Nature #Wetlands #Wildfire #KeystoneSpecies #Biodiversity
#arctic #carbon #beavers #beaverrestoration #ecosystemengineers #climate #ClimateChange #climateresilience #Nature #wetlands #wildfire #keystonespecies #biodiversity
But you can't tell whether a #beaver is male or female just by looking at him or her, unless she is a female who is lactating.
In his book Eager, Ben Goldfarb walks readers through the process used by relocation programs such as the ones operated by the Methow Beaver Project and the Tulalip Tribes.
First, you tip the #beaver, head first, into a cloth sack. Really!!!
#BeaverRestoration #EcosystemEngineers
#beaver #beaverrestoration #ecosystemengineers
Time for a few pics of #beaver kits. Beavers have one litter per year, in the spring. A typical litter is two to five kits. They stay in the lodge for about a month, and are weaned from mother’s milk after two or three weeks. And they are really, really cute. Photos courtesy of Mike Digout.
#beaver #ecosystemengineers #keystonespecies #babies #furries
We can make a site more suitable for a #beaver family by changing #grazing practices, planting willows, or installing beaver dam analogs to slow stream flow so it is suitable #habitat for beavers. This type of low-tech, process-based river restoration is cheap and scales up quickly.
#Beavers #BeaverRestoration #EcosystemEngineers #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateResilience #Nature #NatureBasedSolutions #Wetlands #Wildfire #KeystoneSpecies #Biodiversity #WaterQuality #Drought
#beaver #grazing #habitat #beavers #beaverrestoration #ecosystemengineers #climate #ClimateChange #climateresilience #Nature #naturebasedsolutions #wetlands #wildfire #keystonespecies #biodiversity #waterquality #drought
Here are some 'beaver basics' in considering where to build their new home base:
* safety (hydrology) from predators,
* shelter (good denning and refuge holes),
* abundant food supplies (for many mouths over many years), and
* human tolerance
#Beavers #BeaverRestoration #EcosystemEngineers #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateResilience #Nature #NatureBasedSolutions #Wetlands #Wildfire #KeystoneSpecies #Biodiversity #WaterQuality #Drought
#beavers #beaverrestoration #ecosystemengineers #climate #ClimateChange #climateresilience #Nature #naturebasedsolutions #wetlands #wildfire #keystonespecies #biodiversity #waterquality #drought
We believe that just like young human families who seek out a “starter home” in a community with good schools, nearby amenities, welcoming neighbors and jobs to provide for the family, #beavers also seek out similar basic conditions in order to settle down and build a family.
#Beavers #BeaverRestoration #EcosystemEngineers #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateResilience #Nature #NatureBasedSolutions #Wetlands #Wildfire #KeystoneSpecies #Biodiversity #WaterQuality #Drought
#beavers #beaverrestoration #ecosystemengineers #climate #ClimateChange #climateresilience #Nature #naturebasedsolutions #wetlands #wildfire #keystonespecies #biodiversity #waterquality #drought
I love the cutebeav account on Instagram!!!
#Beavers #BeaverRestoration #EcosystemEngineers #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateResilience #Nature #NatureBasedSolutions #Wetlands #Wildfire #KeystoneSpecies #Biodiversity #WaterQuality #drought
#beavers #beaverrestoration #ecosystemengineers #climate #ClimateChange #climateresilience #Nature #naturebasedsolutions #wetlands #wildfire #keystonespecies #biodiversity #waterquality #drought
I love the idea of the cascading effect of a species reintroduction: "As the beavers spread and built new dams and ponds, the cascade effect continued... Beaver dams have multiple effects on stream hydrology. They even out the seasonal pulses of runoff; store water for recharging the water table; and provide cold, shaded water for fish, while the now robust willow stands provide habitat for songbirds."
#rewilding #beavers #beaverrestoration #ecosystemengineers
You can imagine what happened next: "As beavers spread, dammed and built ponds, the trees thrived, and cold, shaded water returned to accommodate fish."
#Beavers #BeaverRestoration #EcosystemEngineers #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateResilience #Nature #NatureBasedSolutions #Wetlands #Wildfire #KeystoneSpecies #Biodiversity #WaterQuality #Drought
#beavers #beaverrestoration #ecosystemengineers #climate #ClimateChange #climateresilience #Nature #naturebasedsolutions #wetlands #wildfire #keystonespecies #biodiversity #waterquality #drought
Photos of #beavers adding mud and sticks to the dam at the beaver pond. This both strengthens the dam and deepens the pond before freeze-up. Courtesy of Mike Digout.
#Beavers #BeaverRestoration #EcosystemEngineers #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateResilience #Nature #NatureBasedSolutions #Wetlands #Wildfire #KeystoneSpecies #Biodiversity #WaterQuality #Drought
#beavers #beaverrestoration #ecosystemengineers #climate #ClimateChange #climateresilience #Nature #naturebasedsolutions #wetlands #wildfire #keystonespecies #biodiversity #waterquality #drought
Beaver restoration is happening in a number of states and by different nonprofits, tribes, and government agencies. Here is a look at the Ksik Stakii project by the Blackfeet Nation in Montana.
#Beavers #BeaverRestoration #EcosystemEngineers #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateResilience #Nature #NatureBasedSolutions #Wetlands #Wildfire #Biodiversity #WaterQuality #Drought
#beavers #beaverrestoration #ecosystemengineers #climate #ClimateChange #climateresilience #Nature #naturebasedsolutions #wetlands #wildfire #biodiversity #waterquality #drought
The Department of Fish and Wildlife is willing to bet at least $3 million over the next two years, with the creation of five new jobs meant to oversee a restoration program specifically for the North American beaver.
#Beavers #BeaverRestoration #EcosystemEngineers #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateResilience #Nature #Wetlands #Wildfire #Biodiversity #WaterQuality #Drought
#beavers #beaverrestoration #ecosystemengineers #climate #ClimateChange #climateresilience #Nature #wetlands #wildfire #biodiversity #waterquality #drought
“It might be odd, but beavers are an untapped, creative climate solving hero that helps prevent the loss of biodiversity facing California,” the Department of Fish and Wildlife wrote in its May proposal.
#Beavers #BeaverRestoration #EcosystemEngineers #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateResilience #Nature #NatureBasedSolutions #Wetlands #Wildfire #KeystoneSpecies #Biodiversity #WaterQuality #Drought
#beavers #beaverrestoration #ecosystemengineers #climate #ClimateChange #climateresilience #Nature #naturebasedsolutions #wetlands #wildfire #keystonespecies #biodiversity #waterquality #drought
Also: recharged water tables result from beaver restoration: “The preserve provides lush, green grazing land for local ranchers, and cattle grazing is carefully managed to coexist with wildlife habitat and restoration.”
#Beavers #BeaverRestoration #EcosystemEngineers #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateResilience #Nature #NatureBasedSolutions #Wetlands #Wildfire #KeystoneSpecies #Biodiversity #WaterQuality #Drought
#beavers #beaverrestoration #ecosystemengineers #climate #ClimateChange #climateresilience #Nature #naturebasedsolutions #wetlands #wildfire #keystonespecies #biodiversity #waterquality #drought
I love when beavers sit on their tails. Beaver tails are one of the things that make them so adaptable to different climates. Photo by Mike Digout.
#Beavers #BeaverRestoration #EcosystemEngineers #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateResilience #Nature #NatureBasedSolutions #Wetlands #Wildfire #KeystoneSpecies #Biodiversity #WaterQuality #Drought
#beavers #beaverrestoration #ecosystemengineers #climate #ClimateChange #climateresilience #Nature #naturebasedsolutions #wetlands #wildfire #keystonespecies #biodiversity #waterquality #drought
A recent study found that beavers provide services worth $1.6 (recreational hunting and fishing services) to as much as $133 million (habitat and biodiversity services) to humans through the various ways in which they modify the environment.
#Beavers #BeaverRestoration #EcosystemEngineers #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateResilience #Nature #NatureBasedSolutions #Wetlands #Wildfire #KeystoneSpecies #Biodiversity #WaterQuality #Drought
#beavers #beaverrestoration #ecosystemengineers #climate #ClimateChange #climateresilience #Nature #naturebasedsolutions #wetlands #wildfire #keystonespecies #biodiversity #waterquality #drought