BellingenNSW · @Bellingen
160 followers · 656 posts · Server

A ‘Paris Agreement for nature?

Sydney will be the host for the first Global N a t u r e P o s i t i v e Summit in early October 2024. It is is concerned with the financialisation of biodiversity ecosystems.

"The “Nature Positive” agenda promotes the financialisation of nature – that there is a monetary value to nature, that this dollar figure could define all that nature means to us, and that we can start trading plots of nature like tokens and feeding into an ecosystem service that only benefits some people, in particular economies. The decision makers for all of this would be the exact same industry players and politicians who are destroying nature for profit now."

“Nature Positive” would be a bag of tricks for them to d i s t r a c t, d e f e r , and o b s c u r e their harm for nature: “destroying your forest is okay, because we’re not destroying someone else’s.” This is not only greenwashing, it is dangerous."

"The Global Biodiversity Framework agreed to by 196 countries at the United Nations biodiversity conference last year was described as the ‘Paris agreement for nature’. It set a target of US$200 billion per year of funding to be spent on nature repair by 2030...The Summit will highlight how clear and consistent rules will enable businesses to invest in and measure projects that repair nature."
“Turning the tide like this, from nature destruction to nature repair, will require a mighty global effort, Plibersek said."

#biodiversity #destruction #nature #sydney #greenwashing #spin #forests #stoplogging #nativeforest #nsw #naturepositive #ecosystemservice #ecosystems #cashcow #businessasusual

Last updated 1 year ago

Olivier B. · @olireiv
679 followers · 414 posts · Server

I forgot this hashtag: and why not this one:

#biodiversity #ecosystemservice

Last updated 2 years ago

Seth Munson · @smunson
126 followers · 43 posts · Server

In an extensive global survey (98 sites across 6 continents!) led by Fernando Maestre, we report increasing pressure reduced delivery in warmer and species-poor , whereas positive effects of grazing were observed in colder and species-rich areas

#grazing #ecosystemservice #drylands

Last updated 2 years ago