Große Ehre, beeindruckender #Investigativjournalismus: Wir waren am Freitag Gast des #IJ4EU Impact Award, hosted by #ECPMF.
Ausgezeichnet wurden internationale Projekte, die viel bewegt haben & bewegen: #UnmaskingEuropesShadowArmies, #XinjiangPoliceFiles & #DevilisintheData. Die Preisverleihung in #Leipzig war kompakt, Details zu den Projekten und den Journalist*innen dahinter finden sich hier:
#Investigativjournalismus #IJ4EU #ecpmf #unmaskingeuropesshadowarmies #XinjiangPoliceFiles #devilisinthedata #leipzig
Die Schweiz kann das auch, im Sinne der Neutralität auch für russische Journalist*innen, die vor Repression flüchten.
RT @albinkurti
Our government just decided to host 20 journalists from 🇺🇦 in 🇽🇰. They were forced to leave their homeland by Russian invasion. In support and solidarity with Ukraine & its people, in cooperation with @EFJEUROPE & #ECPMF, we will enable them to work remotley.
RT @albinkurti
Our government just decided to host 20 journalists from 🇺🇦 in 🇽🇰. They were forced to leave their homeland by Russian invasion. In support and solidarity with Ukraine & its people, in cooperation with @EFJEUROPE & #ECPMF, we will enable them to work remotley.