Early Career Researchers #ECR, mark your calendars, join the Postdoc Appreciation Week 🇩🇪 #PAWde and meet DFGs carreer team 👥 !
Check out the whole program on paw-germany.de with its wide range of topics – most of them online and open for attendees from any institution in Germany.
Looking forward to being part of the RGS-IBG Melbourne Hub on August 30 https://www.rgs.org/research/annual-international-conference/planning-your-attendance/hubs-at-the-conference/. I'll be chairing a great ECA panel on 'Impactful research careers in a time of converging crises.’ Then we join the main conf later for Chair's Plenary with Lauren Rickards and Svenja Keele. #ECR #ECA #flyingless #RGSIBG23 #ecrchat
#ecr #ECA #flyingless #rgsibg23 #ecrchat
If relevant, please feel free to share this #Mastodon account of mine with others on other platforms. I have no time, energy or much interest in setting up accounts on other platforms, but I am an academic, so I do miss the affordances of the bird that was - it was v. good to me during my #PhD years.
As an #ECR, I still look for cognate academic communities, but have few resources to spread myself across #SocialMedia platforms.
#AcWri #AcademicChatter #CriticalRealism #WhatMakesWritingAcademic
#Mastodon #phd #ecr #socialmedia #acwri #academicchatter #CriticalRealism #WhatMakesWritingAcademic
Does anyone happen to know of the existence of statistics on tenure tracks? How many fail to reach to tenure and why? How long does it typically take and what does that depend on? I'd be curious!
#astrodon #tenure #TenureTrack #ECR #academia #AcademicChatter
#Astrodon #tenure #tenuretrack #ecr #academia #academicchatter
Dear Mastodon community, This is the most recent tweet circulating from all AEs of JBI. I also resigned and pass this info on to you:
I am resigning as Associate Editor at JBiogeography because WileyGlobal has not reprioritized access & journal quality over profit, maintaining barriers to equity & publication - particularly for #ECR and peers from the #GlobalSouth
#ECR aufgepasst! Unsere nächsten Termine der Vortragsreihe zu #DFG-Förderangeboten für wissenschaftliche Karrieren:
➡️21.9. Funding Opportunities for Postdocs (en)
➡️25.9. #EmmyNoether Programme (en)
➡️10.11. Walter Benjamin-Programm (dt)
➡️12.12. Förderangebote allgemein (dt)
Mehr Infos, Uhrzeiten, Teilnahme-Links: https://www.dfg.de/foerderung/foerdermoeglichkeiten/wissenschaftliche_karriere/veranstaltungen/
Meet the ASAPbio Fellows!
Sheiliza Carmali is a lecturer in the Protein Therapeutics at the School of Pharmacy, Queen’s University Belfast, UK.
Sheiliza is excited about how science communication can foster unique discussions and lead to innovative solutions and/or ideas.
#ASAPbio #ECRs #ECR #preprint #preprints #research #science #OpenScience
#openscience #science #research #preprints #preprint #ecr #ECRs #asapbio
Join our Community Call speaker Hannah Hope, Open Research Lead at Wellcome Trust, to learn how funders are recognizing preprints in researcher assessment.
Wednesday, 26 July, 9am San Francisco / 12pm New York / 4pm UTC / 5pm London / 9:30pm Mumbai
#ASAPbio #ECRs #ECR #preprint #preprints #research #science #publishing #OpenScience
#openscience #publishing #science #research #preprints #preprint #ecr #ECRs #asapbio
🚀 ECS on Fargate just got 30% to 75% faster 🚀
Yup, you read that right!
Some tweaking of #ECR images will make #ECS on #Fargate containers start a lot faster: the container image will be streamed instead of waiting for the full image download!
This does of course depend on your image, it depends on your workload, and support is limited right now but THIS IS AWESOME 💟
Blog post: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-fargate-enables-faster-container-startup-using-seekable-oci/
Join our Community Call speaker Needhi Bhalla a Professor at the University of California Santa Cruz, to learn about recognition of #preprints in research assessment.
Wednesday, 26 July, 9am San Francisco / 12pm New York / 4pm UTC / 5pm London / 9:30pm Mumbai.
#ASAPbio #ECRs #ECR #preprint #preprints #research #science #publishing #OpenScience
#openscience #publishing #science #research #preprint #ecr #ECRs #asapbio #preprints
Given that "the era of exponential growth in academic research is over", Casey Bergman had (2012) some advice for senior academics:
"3) For established academics: you came up during the halcyon days of growth in science, so bear in mind that you had it easy relative to those trying to make it today. So when you set your expectations for your students or junior colleagues in terms of performance, recruitment or tenure, be sure to take on board that they have it much harder now than you did at the corresponding point in your career [see points 1) and 2)]. A corollary of this point is that anyone actually succeeding in science now and in the future is (on average) probably better trained and works harder than you (at the corresponding point in your career), so on the whole you are probably dealing with someone who is more qualified for their job than you would be. So don’t judge your junior colleagues with out-of-date views (that you might not be able to achieve yourself in the current climate) and promote values from a bygone era of incessant growth. Instead, adjust your views of success for the 21st century and seek to promote a sustainable model of scientific career development that will fuel innovation for the next hundred years."
HT @quantixed
#academia #science #ECR #EarlyCareerScientists #TenureTrack #PhD
#phd #tenuretrack #earlycareerscientists #ecr #science #academia
Meet the ASAPbio Fellows!
Yueh Cho is a postdoc at the Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan.
Yueh believes that #OpenScience will become the future standard for us to share knowledge, and the ASAPbio Fellows program provides an opportunity to be involved in the acceleration of science.
#ASAPbio #ECRs #ECR #preprint #preprints #research #science #OpenScience
#science #research #preprints #preprint #ecr #ECRs #asapbio #openscience
Are you an #ECR with an interest in #scicomm & #preprint ? Then take a look at this video to find out more about @preLights and get in touch with the team if you'd like to join.
#RoadDiet and #SeparatedBikeLanes. On #ECR!: Hsu said, “I think that there’s always more that can be done, but I know that city has a reputation among mid-Peninsula #cycling #advocates as a town that is very #progressive in wanting to improve cycling #infrastructure.”
#RoadDiet #separatedbikelanes #ecr #cycling #advocates #progressive #infrastructure
Meet the #preLightsAmbassadors: Juan Moriano.
Juan is currently a PhD student #UniBarcelona.
Juan is all about #CommunityBuilding and sharing excitement about the science of peers & colleagues. Also, he’s a bit of a magician!✨🎩
Interview: https://prelights.biologists.com/news/meet-the-prelights-ambassadors-juan-moriano/
#prelightsambassadors #unibarcelona #communitybuilding #ecr #ambassador
Meet the ASAPbio Fellows!
Chenyue Jiao is a PhD student in School of Information Sciences at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
Chenyue's research interest lies in scholarly communication where she studies research data sharing and reuse.
#ASAPbio #ECRs #ECR #preprint #preprints #research #science #scicomm #ScienceCommunication #publishing #OpenScience
#openscience #publishing #sciencecommunication #scicomm #science #research #preprints #preprint #ecr #ECRs #asapbio
Lead lawmaker pushes against stricter vehicle pollution standards https://www.euractiv.com/section/road-transport/news/lead-lawmaker-pushes-against-stricter-vehicle-pollution-standards/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #BasEickhout #Caremissions #ChristelSchaldemose #ECR #EUGreenDeal
#baseickhout #caremissions #christelschaldemose #ecr #EUGreenDeal
Science is not a monologue of a paper author. Science is a conversation!
We want to facilitate conversation between #preprint authors and those who wish to comment on #prepints.
That's why, this year, we brought back Crowd Preprint Review!
Let's improve #science together!
Sign up to be a #preprint reviewer as a part of the Crowd Preprint Review Initiative!
#ECRs #ECR #preprint #preprints #research #science #publishing #OpenScience
#recognizingpreprintreview #openscience #publishing #research #preprints #ecr #ECRs #science #prepints #preprint
Meet the ASAPbio Fellows!
Becca Shelley is a PhD student in Cell and Molecular Biology at the Duke University.
Becca is excited to participate in the ASAPbio Fellows program to learn about the impact of #preprints and transparency in science and to have conversations about promoting it within the scientific community.
#ASAPbio #ECRs #ECR #preprint #preprints #research #science #scicomm #ScienceCommunication #publishing #OpenScience
#openscience #publishing #sciencecommunication #scicomm #science #research #preprint #ecr #ECRs #asapbio #preprints
If you post a preprint, the editors may contact you to publish in their journal rather than you ‘shopping around’ for a journal.
Read Baki Agbas's Preprint Story 👇 and post a preprint yourself!
#ASAPbio #ECRs #ECR #preprint #preprints #research #science #scicomm #ScienceCommunication #publishing #OpenScience #PreprintStories
#preprintstories #openscience #publishing #sciencecommunication #scicomm #science #research #preprints #preprint #ecr #ECRs #asapbio