(@ecre) RT by @ProAsyl: #ECRE member @ProAsyl calls for 🇩🇪 to overhaul Afghan admissions program
"not a single person has been admitted to Germany through the program's channels since its inception last fall..."
Via @InfoMigrants: https://bit.ly/41BizO9 http://bird.trom.tf/ecre/status/1648239814276259840#m
We did it - Es gibt derzeit keine Mehrheit für die Instrumentalisierungsverordnung in der EU!
RT @ecre
BREAKING 🧵: #ECRE Reaction: No Majority for Instrumentalisation Regulation
"This demonstrates that, while the right to asylum in 🇪🇺 is under threat, a sizeable group of Member States are ready to step up to defend it".
(@ecre) RT by @ProAsyl: 35 NGOs warn 🇩🇪 against turning away from refugee protection in Europe
#ECRE member @ProAsyl and others urging Federal government to oppose #instrumentalisation regulation!
https://www.proasyl.de/pressemitteilung/35-organisationen-warnen-vor-abkehr-vom-fluechtlingsschutz-in-europa-bundesregierung-muss-sich-gegen-instrumentalisierungsverordnung-stellen/ via @ProAsyl https://nitter.namazso.eu/ecre/status/1600077770704375808#m
Appello all’UE: Ripristinare i diritti e i valori alle frontiere d’Europa https://www.asgi.it/primo-piano/appello-a-ue-ripristinare-diritti-e-valori-alle-frontiere-europa/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=appello-a-ue-ripristinare-diritti-e-valori-alle-frontiere-europa #Asilo/Protezioneinternazionale #Allontanamento/Espulsione #Comunicatistampa #Bielorussia #Slider #ECRE
#ecre #Slider #Bielorussia #ComunicatiStampa #Allontanamento #asilo
Diritti violati e inefficienza. L’Europa non è una casa sicura per i richiedenti asilo https://altreconomia.it/diritti-violati-e-inefficienza-leuropa-non-e-una-casa-sicura-per-i-richiedenti-asilo/ #protezioneinternazionale #dirittod'asilo #rottabalcanica #unioneeuropea #Bangladesh #Attualità #frontiere #nigeriani #pakistan #romania #europa #Grecia #italia #asilo #aida #ecre
#ecre #aida #asilo #Italia #grecia #Europa #romania #pakistan #nigeriani #frontiere #attualità #bangladesh #unioneeuropea #rottabalcanica #dirittod #Protezioneinternazionale
Das lesenswerte Statement von Therese Lerchl beinhaltet noch weitere wichtige Aspekte!
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#ProAsyl #ecre
Wir bleiben dabei: #AghanistanIsNotSafe
Keine Charterabschiebung am 8. Juni!
#StopDeportation #EndDeportations #NoMoreCharterFlights
#proasyl #ecre #AghanistanIsNotSafe #stopdeportation #enddeportations #NoMoreCharterFlights