Another evening, another time perfecting the art of creating more work and more chaos for myself to make things happen for myself and others. Because yeah, I really don't have enough on my plate having to secure my next job or funding within the next 17 months 🙄#ECRlife
Anxious about the Xmas deadlines? ✨Slow down and concentrate on advancing your manuscripts step by step during #PeatWrites today!
⏳We will be online 🌍 14h-17h CET | 13h-16h GMT | 🌎 8h-11h EST. Join whenever you need support or a chat.
Join the Zoom to meet fellow #PeatECR.
DM me or for access.
#tomatotimer 🍅
#Peatodon #wetlands
#studentlife #ECRlife
#peatwrites #peatecr #tomatotimer #peatodon #wetlands #studentlife #ecrlife