#BananaRepublic: It is unclear if the #British government would abide by the European Court of #HumanRights (#ECtHR) decision — even though it is obligated to do so — if it ruled against #extradition, or if the U.K. would extradite Julian before an appeal to the European court can be heard.
#assangeextradition #wikileaks #civilianmurders #warcrimes #WarsForOil #CheneysIraq #extraditebush
#bananarepublic #british #humanrights #ecthr #extradition #assangeextradition #wikileaks #civilianmurders #warcrimes #warsforoil #cheneysiraq #extraditebush
'The Convention on the Rights of the Child’s Imprint on Judgments from the European Court of Human Rights: A Negligible Footprint?' by Trond Helland & Ragnhild Hollekim: https://doi.org/10.1080/18918131.2023.2204634
#echr #ecthr #CRC #legalmobilisation #lawfare #heuristic #childrensrights
#echr #ecthr #CRC #legalmobilisation #lawfare #heuristic #ChildrensRights
Very powerful commentary last week by Maximilian Steinbeis, which adds another brick in the wall of rule of law violations in the EU, the migration and asylum dimension. Difficult not to note that populism is driving rule of law breaches
#migrationlaw #asylum #Pushbacks #ecthr #RuleofLaw
Petra Sussner (HU Berlin) explores the negotiations of State’s obligations and #EuropeanConsensus in the area of #gender and #sexuality with the help of the #ECtHR cases of Y v. France and Schalk and Kopf v. Austria. #LGBTQIA https://voelkerrechtsblog.org/the-future-of-sexual-orientation-and-gender-identity-in-human-rights-2/
#europeanconsensus #gender #sexuality #ecthr #lgbtqia
Whistleblower Judgment #ECtHR Grand Chamber
... may have an effect on #whistleblowing in the 46 #CE member states.
E. g. #Switzerland, which is not #whistleblower friendly according to the #Beobachter.
"Overall, the Grand Chamber’s #judgment can be seen as a victory for all unsung heroes, who blew the #whistle and suffered retaliation, #blacklisting and #demotion. The Court sent a message that #whistleblowers should be heard and not suppressed."
#echr #councilofeurope #whistleblowers #demotion #blacklisting #whistle #judgment #beobachter #whistleblower #switzerland #ce #whistleblowing #ecthr
In light of several recent judgments, I wrote for @voelkerrechtsblog about the future of sexual orientation and gender identity cases before the ECtHR, the role of European Consensus, and a reorientation towards queer horizons. Take a look: https://voelkerrechtsblog.org/the-future-of-sexual-orientation-and-gender-identity-in-human-rights/
#SOGI #LGBT #LGBTQ #ECHR #ECtHR #HumanRights #GayRights #TransRights #EuropeanConsensus
#europeanconsensus #transrights #gayrights #humanrights #ecthr #echr #lgbtq #lgbt #sogi
In light of several recent judgments, I wrote for @voelkerrechtsblog about the future of sexual orientation and gender identity cases before the ECtHR, the role of European Consensus, and a reorientation towards queer horizons. Take a look: https://voelkerrechtsblog.org/the-future-of-sexual-orientation-and-gender-identity-in-human-rights/
#SOGI #LGBT # LGBTQ #ECHR #ECtHR #HumanRights #GayRights #TransRights #EuropeanConsensus
#europeanconsensus #transrights #gayrights #humanrights #ecthr #echr #lgbt #sogi
RT @hhc_helsinki
⚖️ #ECtHR today's judgement: Hungarian authorities are responsible for the death of a young Syrian #refugee who drowned in the river Tisza after police assaulted and pushed him back in 2016.
HHC represented the victim's family in court: https://helsinki.hu/en/european-court-of-human-rights-hungary-is-responsible-for-the-death-of-a-22-year-old-syrian-refugee/
'No reasons given by a first-instance court for its refusal to seek a preliminary ruling: judgment of the ECHR in the case of Rutar and Rutar Marketing D.O.O. v. Slovenia'
#law #eu #cjeu #echr #ecthr #court
#law #eu #CJEU #echr #ecthr #court
RT @mariekedehoon
BREAKING: #ECtHR finds Eastern #Ukraine and #MH17 case against #Russia mostly admissible. Beyond reasonable doubt that Russia military were active in #Donbas from April 2014 and under Russian jurisdiction since 11 May 2014. Large-scale deployment Russian troops since Aug 2014.
#ecthr #ukraine #mh17 #russia #donbas
This decision of the #ECtHR will become an argument for other lawsuits, as well as help build a system of punishment against #Russia for violating the territorial integrity of #Ukraine.
⁉️ #Donbass is of course #Ukraine I mean come in! #RussiaIsATerroristState
#ecthr #russia #ukraine #donbass #russiaisaterroriststate
RT @LuukBouwers
The #ECtHR will issue its decision today on whether it will consider the merits of the Netherlands’ inter-State application against Russia regarding the downing of flight #MH17.
The NL 🇳🇱 is arguing that Russia played a key role in the downing of flight MH17.
#Justice 🌻
RT @turkey_tribunal@twitter.com
Prof. Dr. @JohanvdLanotte@twitter.com at the Grand Chamber Hearing of Yalçınkaya v. #Türkiye at #ECtHR: "The truth is that the file itself is very inconsistent. One report says different things while other reports contradict them."
WATCH FULL: https://youtu.be/82CIkoaURCw
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/turkey_tribunal/status/1615788501433204755
Interested in European #migration law?
Try our practical handbook explaining EU and @coe@twitter.com rules, relevant #ECtHR and #ECJ case law and more.
Now also available in BG, EL, HR, SL, PL and HU 📘.
Order it here: https://fra.europa.eu/en/publication/2020/handbook-european-law-relating-asylum-borders-and-immigration-edition-2020
#Denmark's outright ban on adoption in the context of a commercial #surrogacy agreement violated the rights of two children born to a surrogate mother, the European Court of #HumanRights (#ECtHR) has ruled.
#denmark #surrogacy #humanrights #ecthr
Dear #legal fediverse:
Is it just me (a non-lawyer) or is it weird that everyone celebrates the #ECtHR's #Handyside v UK judgement of 1976 for this one phrase (in which the Court confirms that freedom of expression includes speech that shocks, offends, or disturbs) but then the Court goes on and permits the censorship of "The Little Red Schoolbook" anyway because it offended the morals of the time?
What am I missing? 🤔
#Hungary violates the human rights of minority voters:
ANNA UNGER on the #ECtHR decision on Hungarian election law.
#LawFedi #Law #HumanRights #ECHR #ECtHR folks:
Would you agree that using the term "systems duty" to refer to the positive obligation to have a regulatory and administrative framework in place to prevent violations of the ECHR is primarily a British phenomenon? I first saw the term in British judgments, and it doesn't appear to be used in the ECtHR's own materials or judgments.
#lawfedi #law #HumanRights #echr #ecthr
Prominent Brexiteer and advocate of leaving the #ECHR, #OwenPaterson, is taking the #UKgovernment to the #ECtHR claiming that his Article 8 rights were infringed, as the “public finding that he had breached the code of conduct damaged his good reputation, and that the process by which the allegations against him were investigated and considered was not fair in many basic respects”.
#echr #owenpaterson #ukgovernment #ecthr