Por supuesto, su capítulo Sahle, P. 2016. «What is a Scholarly Digital Edition?» En Digital Scholarly Editing, editado por M. J. Driscoll y E. Pierazzo, 1.ª ed., 19-39. Theories and Practices 4. Cambridge: Open Book Publishers. https://doi.org/10.11647/OBP.0095.
es una lectura obligatoria si te metes en el ámbito de las #EDAs
Hey, I have been reminded that it's Doctor Who's Anniversary!
So here's my best boy Fitz. He has the high honors of longest running companion (50-some books) and also first male companion to be kissed by the Doctor. 💖
He's from the #EighthDoctor Adventure novels (#EDAs) which are mostly out of print now, but are some of my favorite Doctor Who media to exist!
🎸 Available @ my InPrnt shop 🎸
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