There is an interview with an actor called #EddieMarsan. He's been in #VforVendetta and he's been on a lot of telly.
He gave an interview to #Channel4 talking about a lot of things, including growing up and being afraid of certain men.
He's cis-het as well. So, you're not alone.
#eddiemarsan #vforvendetta #channel4
Didn't know Eddie Marsan was a SE Londoner. Probably walked past him several times growing up. I loved him in Johnathan Strange & Mr Norrell. I wish they'd do a sequel. #eddiemarsan #SELondon
Film Review: OPERATION FORTUNE: RUSE DE GUERRE (2023): Guy Ritchie is Back with an Original and Intriguing Caper Film
#FilmBook #MovieReview #AubreyPlaza #BugzyMalone #CaryElwes #EddieMarsan #GuyRitchie #HughGrant #IvanAtkinson #JasonStatham #JoshHartnett #Lionsgate #LourdesFaberes #MarnDavies #MovieReview #OliverMaltman #OperationFortune:Rusedeguerre #Par
#filmbook #moviereview #aubreyplaza #bugzymalone #caryelwes #eddiemarsan #guyritchie #hughgrant #ivanatkinson #jasonstatham #joshhartnett #lionsgate #lourdesfaberes #marndavies #olivermaltman #operationfortune #par
Miami Vice and Candyland. The double-bill everyone wanted.
#filmstodon #cinemastodon #mastomovies #film #cinema #movies
#eddiemarsan #miamivice #michaelmann #colinfarrell #jamiefoxx
#blurayaddict #candyland #movie #film #collector #films #physicalmedia #collection #movies
#johnswab #olivialuccardi #samquartin #edenbrolin #williambaldwin #owencampbell #virginiarand #podstodon
#podcast #podcaster
#filmstodon #cinemastodon #mastomovies #film #cinema #movies #eddiemarsan #MiamiVice #michaelmann #colinfarrell #jamiefoxx #blurayaddict #candyland #movie #collector #films #physicalmedia #collection #johnswab #olivialuccardi #samquartin #edenbrolin #williambaldwin #owencampbell #virginiarand #podstodon #moviepodcast #podcast #podcaster
THE POWER (2023) TV Show Trailer: Girls Develop the Ability Self-generate Electricity & World Power Shifts [Prime Video]
#FilmBook #TVShowTrailer #AliceEve #Auli’iCravalho #DanielaVega #EddieMarsan #HalleBush #HeatherAgyepong #JacobFortune-Lloyd #JohnLeguizamo #JoshCharles #LittleSimz #NicoHiraga #PrimeVideo #RiaZmitrowicz #RobDelaney #ScienceFiction #The
#filmbook #tvshowtrailer #aliceeve #auli #danielavega #eddiemarsan #hallebush #heatheragyepong #jacobfortune #johnleguizamo #joshcharles #littlesimz #nicohiraga #primevideo #riazmitrowicz #robdelaney #sciencefiction #the
THE SHAMED AND THE SHAMELESS: The fake death of Hartlepool man John Darwin is tailor made for an ITV drama. So how do Monica Dolan & Eddie Marsan fare in the four part miniseries 'The Thief His Wife and The Canoe?' Pomona's December mop up of the year's TV continues.. #TheThiefHisWifeandTheCanoe #fraud #hartlepool #monicadolan #eddiemarsan #itv #itvx #canoe #panama
#thethiefhiswifeandthecanoe #fraud #hartlepool #monicadolan #eddiemarsan #itv #itvx #canoe #panama
Deathtrap Dungeon is the museum of 80s trad fantasy you didn't know you needed - #BranchingNarrative #FeaturedArticles #livingfossils #eddiemarsan #feature #FMV
#BranchingNarrative #featuredarticles #livingfossils #eddiemarsan #feature #fmv