Film Review: MOVING ON (2022): Paul Weitz’s Drama Has its Moments but Not Enough Lily Tomlin
#FilmBook #MovieReview #AmberChardaeRobinson #AnnieKorzen #CarolHerman #CatherineDent #EddieMartinez #HaazSleiman #JakePeck #JaneFonda #LaurenTom #LilyTomlin #MalcolmMcDowell #MarcelNahapetian #MoZelof #MovieReview #MovingOn #NancyDeMayo #PaulWeitz #RichardRoundtree #RionaO'Donnell. #Roads
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In amongst it all this almost got overlooked, but it's BIG.
Mr. #EddieMartinez posted this over on insta. "Mr Electric Luxury", recieved copies of special mixes of some 'Heavy Nova' era tracks, some of which would turn up years later. But 'There was a time' never has... Very Special Indeed!