As a Southerner turned Northerner - I move North over 15 years ago, the grumbling is something I've noticed a lot... however, it is unevenly distributed.
In the North West a particular hotspot would be #Morecambe... and at the moment quite often targeted at #EdenProjectNorth (which is subject to, shall we say, a mixed reception)
Great to see #Morecambe (partnered with Silverdale) featured in the Guardian this weekend - mentions #EdenProjectNorth which is going to see a major shift in the town's reputation.... we locals already cherish the town (with all its unevenness), perhaps give it a visit - the views across Morecambe By are worth savouring.
Meanwhile in #morecambe:
Hot on the heels of #levelingup money for #EdenProjectNorth, the long awaited refurbishment of the town's magisterial Winter Gardens has just been given a boost with a £2.8m grant from the Cultural Investment Fund...
Its almost as if the #Tories have realised that there next-to-useless placeman, local MP David Morris will not hang onto his seat if his (fanciful) claims to be supporting Morecambe are not made real (this time).
#morecambe #levelingup #edenprojectnorth #tories
Further to my post about Ian Hughes, the originator of the idea of #EdenProjectNorth here is a Lancaster Guardian (updated) profile from yesterday... Without Ian; no Eden in #Morecambe - what a star!
Over the next few days there are going to be a lot of people claiming they played a pivotal role in #EdenProjectNorth coming to #Morecambe, so I want to record that none of this would have happened without one man: Ian Hughes.
Ian developed over a decade ago (on his own time) a comprehensive feasibility study for bringing Eden to Morecambe... he was generally ignored as a fantasist, until we (at the University) worked with him to engage Eden and get the project under way.
We should salute Ian!
As I expected (last night) #EdenProjectNorth in #Morecambe has (finally) secure the £50m it needs to break ground (for the Govt.'s #LevellingUpFund.
its so great to see this amazing project clear the final hurdle to get building!
For locals this is the final vindication for Ian Hughes' vision & if David Morris tries to take any credit for this ignore him... he had noting material to do with the success of this project whatsoever!
#edenprojectnorth #morecambe #levellingupfund