Of course here in Edinburgh, the Edinburgh Festival of Cycling have been offering cargo bike hire for the last 8 years https://edfoc.org.uk/cargo-bike-hire/
#edfoc #edinburgh #cargobikehire #cargobikes
It is an odd thing that no one worries about where they are going to store a car when they but it, but people worry about where to store a cargo bike, which is considerably smaller. Now why is that?
For security, cargo bikes can be chained to railings & #EdFoC's always have trackers as an extra precaution.
As someone living in a 3rd floor flat, who has had cargo bikes for 9 years, I still find the nowhere to store it attitude odd...
Anyone in Edinburgh (or willing to travel to Edinburgh) wanting to buy a second hand cargo bike? #EdFoC have one for sale
#forsale #urbanarrow #cargobike #edfoc
The Edinburgh Festival of Cycling #EdFoC is asking does anyone want to buy a second-hand Urban Arrow family cargo bike?
#edinburgh #forsale #cargobikes #edfoc
Ever wondered what it is like to ride an e-cargo bike? Want to know if it would fit in with your lifestyle? Could you use it as a car replacement vehicle? If you are in #Edinburgh, the Edinburgh Festival of Cycling #EdFoC has an Urban Arrow cargo bike for hire, which gives a great opportunity to answer the questions above. Why not give it a try
#CargoBikes #SustainableLiving #ThisMachineFightsClimateChange #Transport #ActiveTravel
#activetravel #transport #thismachinefightsclimatechange #sustainableliving #cargobikes #edfoc #edinburgh
Ever wondered what it is like to ride an e-cargo bike? Want to know if it would fit in with your lifestyle? Could you use it as a car replacement vehicle? If you are in #Edinburgh, the Edinburgh Festival of Cycling #EdFoC has an Urban Arrow cargo bike for hire, which gives a great opportunity to answer the questions above. Why not give it a try
#CargoBikes #SustainableLiving #ThisMachineFightsClimateChange #Transport #ActiveTravel
#activetravel #transport #thismachinefightsclimatechange #sustainableliving #cargobikes #edfoc #edinburgh
@gertjanhulster Why we cycle, I haven't seen Together we cycle yet. But it is a film which I might be interested in screening as part of a future #EdFoC (https://edfoc.org.uk/).
Although the UK distributor of Why we cycle, didn't make things easy for us.
I am running an event as the Edinburgh Festival of Cycling tomorrow evening in #Edinburgh. We will have Emily Chappell in conversations with Shannon Galpin talking about Emily's book "Where there's a Will" (and probably a lot of other things).
There are still tickets available from https://edfoc.org.uk/events/where-theres-a-will-emily-chappell/
Do come and join us!
#Cycling #BookTalk #EmilyChappell #EdFoC
If you are going or thinking of going, please boost ;-)
#edfoc #emilychappell #booktalk #cycling #edinburgh
I came here from Twitter, and still have a present there (who knows how long for). As I am still new here, here are a few of the thing I am interested in, and I'm likely to toot about, in no particular order:
#life #cyclingmastodon #random #cargobikes #edinburgh #edfoc #scottishpolitics #politics #climatechange #scotland #tech #environment #nature #activetravel #cycling #science