Browser memory (MB) and CPU usage (%) test with 19 open tabs (same in each browser). Latest versions of each as of today. Running on Windows 11 latest release preview.
Initial: 1900MB, 1.9 to 6%
After 1 hour: 1883MB, 4.3%
Initial: 2895MB, 4%
After 1 hour: 2650MB, 13%
Initial: 4000MB, 1 to 60% (fluctuating wildly)
After 1 hour: 6500MB, 3 to 35%
#browser #Chrome #EdgeBrowser #Vivaldi
#browser #chrome #edgebrowser #vivaldi
📬 Edge will von jeder besuchten Website einen Screenshot erstellen
#Datenschutz #Internet #Softwareentwicklung #Edge #EdgeBrowser #Neowinnet #Pocket #Screenshot #StartupBoost
#datenschutz #internet #softwareentwicklung #edge #edgebrowser #neowinnet #pocket #screenshot #startupboost
„Nachdem Elon Musk den Twitter-Vogel :twitter: zugunsten eines neuen :twitter_x:-Logos abgeschafft hat, zeigt Microsoft Edge ersten Nutzern ⛔️ Betrugswarnungen.“ 🤣
#twitter #edge #edgebrowser #microsoft
📬 Updaten! Bugfixes für Brave, Edge und Vivaldi verfügbar
#Datenschutz #Internet #ChromiumFork #EdgeBrowser #MikeKuketz #Opera #Thorium #ThoriumDinoGame #Vivaldi
#datenschutz #internet #chromiumfork #edgebrowser #mikekuketz #opera #thorium #thoriumdinogame #vivaldi
You know why I will likely uninstall Microsoft Edge? 🤬
Because every fricken update - #Microsoft insists on putting that damn search bar thing on my desktop.
That's the straw. One simple straw.
I turn it off - but #Microsoft insists on putting it back "LIKE" I will change my mind.
NO NO NO. Means NO!!!
There's no "Well Actually" here.
If it is OFF - leave it the F off! 🤬
Question concerning #windows and Edge #edgebrowser: I’m a school teacher and use Office 365 with my school/work account. I have a private Microsoft/Outlook-account as well that I use on one of my own laptops running Windows. I mainly use Vivaldi and other browsers privately, but a few days ago while using Edge I noticed a message that said something like: “Your settings are managed by your organization”. This seems weird and creepy cause I logged into Edge with my private (not work) account.
Wenn der Chef alle Mitarbeiter zwingt, den #EdgeBrowser zu benutzen - darf man ihn dann #EdgeLord nennen?
Wenn der Edge-Browser nur bei einem Bruchteil der Mitarbeiter als PDF-Standardprogramm vorgesehen ist...
Und wenn dann bei diesen Personen ein bestimmtes PDF-Formular deshalb nicht richtig funktioniert...
Ist das dann ein Edge-Edge-Case?
Feature mit #Bug: #MicrosoftEdge telefoniert besuchte Seiten nach Hause | heise online #Microsoft #MicrosoftWindows #Edge #EdgeBrowser #Browser #Webbrowser
#webbrowser #browser #edgebrowser #edge #microsoftwindows #microsoft #microsoftedge #bug
#EdgeBrowser: #Microsoft trackt alle besuchten Web-Adressen und schickt die URL an Bing
I guess the time has come to stop using Edge.
I absolutely can't stand nor tolerate anything crypto. In fact, I have so many filters for crypto/NFT stuff in place as I don't want to see that stuff in any way.
#edgebrowser #tech #allthingstech
@fossesq I agree with every single point you made on Edge.
If MS offered a version of Edge without all the shopping, tracking, telemetry and overall junk and put a price tag on it of say $10USD/month i´d easily pay that!
Or the same amount to get native tab management in Firefox. 😂 Evangelists love to quickly point out "Yeah but you can do x or y with extension z ".. Yeah, in some cases maybe. In others extensions just overcomplicates things.
I fell tempted to install the #edgebrowser and try the new #bing #chatgpt I will probably will concede at some point after I block most of the #telemetry and #trackers on my access point, the task is more complex and time consuming than downloading and installing Edge…or maybe I just setup a sandbox and run from there…ideas?
#edgebrowser #bing #chatgpt #telemetry #trackers
It never ceases to amaze me when co-workers who lived through the misery of IE being a monopoly will happily use Chrome.
Did you learn nothing from having one browser with a super majority of user share?!?!?!?
If and when I need to use a "chrome based browser" I will use Edge. Other than that it's all #firefox all the time.
Heck, use Vivaldi or even Opera - I don't care - just stop giving large corporate entities de facto control of web standards.
#firefox #vivaldibrowser #edgebrowser #operabrowser
Microsoft is a very tacky company. #edgeBrowser #Windows11
"Microsoft is killing off the outdated browser’s desktop app after nearly 30 years with the release of an update to its newer Edge browser on Tuesday. Users will be redirected to Edge and further updates due in the summer will scrub away signs of the dead browser from start menus and taskbars."
#Microsoft to phase out #InternetExplorer with newer #EdgeBrowser | #Browsers | The Guardian
#browsers #edgebrowser #internetexplorer #microsoft
Das wird bestimmt ein spezielles "In-Browser-PDF-Erlebnis" :mastojoy:
Acrobat #PDF Reader zieht in Microsofts Browser Edge ein | heise online #AdobeReader #EdgeBrowser #MicrosoftEdge #Microsoft #Windows11 #windows10
#windows10 #windows11 #microsoft #microsoftedge #edgebrowser #adobereader #pdf
@drwindows Flash reloaded? Die letzte Einbindung von Adobe-Produkten in einem Browser war eine Vollkatastrophe. Und jetzt auch noch mit Quengel-Registrier-Kaufen-Hinweis. Edge zu konfigurieren dauert bald wieder so lange wie früher beim Internet-Explorer. Höchstwahrscheinlich auch die Benutzung durch die User. Nämlich nur wieder als Downloadhilfe für Chrome / Firefox und andere. Von wegen - hören auf die Nutzer. Lernresistent wie früher. #microsoft #edge #edgebrowser
Microsoft Bing und Edge mit integriertem OpenAI (ChatGPT) vorgestellt #microsoftbing #MicrosoftEdge #SearchEngine #Suchmaschine #Vermischtes #edgebrowser #technologie #Technology #microsoft #ChatGPT4 #ChatGPT4 #ChatBot #Chatbot #ChatGPT #technik #OpenAI #OpenAI #News #bing #edge #GPT4 #GPT4 #tech
#microsoftbing #microsoftedge #searchengine #suchmaschine #Vermischtes #edgebrowser #technologie #technology #microsoft #chatgpt4 #chatbot #chatgpt #technik #openai #news #bing #edge #gpt4 #tech