RT from Pradeep (@pradeeplogu0)
Cellular based ML Person Detection on @Hacksterio using @EdgeImpulse @buildwithblues and @dfrobotcn FireBeetle ESP32S3 Sense. #TinyMl #EdgeImpulse #ESP32S3 #cellularIoT. https://www.hackster.io/pradeeplogu0/ml-person-detection-with-firebeetle-2-and-blues-cellular-c28f7a
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/pradeeplogu0/status/1671737540897042433
#cellulariot #esp32s3 #edgeimpulse #TinyML
RT from blues wireless (@blueswireless)
🎬 That's a wrap on the "Build a Smarter World" contest with Edge Impulse!
- 22 participants
- 12 AIoT projects
- 9,000+ Hackster views
Check out the winners: https://blues.io/blog/build-a-smarter-world-contest-winners/?hss_channel=tw-701390390268710913
#BuildASmarterWorld #AIoT #Hackster #EdgeImpulse
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/blueswireless/status/1630295048356089857
#edgeimpulse #hackster #aiot #buildasmarterworld
Smart Bike Suspension Tunes Your Ride On the Fly - Riding a bike is a pretty simple affair, but like with many things, technology mar... - https://hackaday.com/2023/01/23/smart-bike-suspension-tunes-your-ride-on-the-fly/ #transportationhacks #arduinonano33ble #machinelearning #accelerometer #edgeimpulse #suspension #bicycle #model #news #bike
#bike #news #model #bicycle #suspension #edgeimpulse #accelerometer #machinelearning #arduinonano33ble #transportationhacks
Smart Bike Suspension Tunes Your Ride On the Fly https://hackaday.com/2023/01/23/smart-bike-suspension-tunes-your-ride-on-the-fly/ #TransportationHacks #ArduinoNano33BLE #MachineLearning #machinelearning #accelerometer #EdgeImpulse #suspension #bicycle #model #News #bike
#TransportationHacks #arduinonano33ble #MachineLearning #accelerometer #edgeimpulse #suspension #bicycle #model #News #bike
Getting better. @arduino #portenta #selfDriving toycar running an #edgeimpulse #vision #tinyML model. #AI #ML #machineLearning
#portenta #selfdriving #edgeimpulse #vision #tinyml #ai #ml #machinelearning
Machine Learning Makes Sure Your LOLs Are Genuine https://hackaday.com/2023/01/04/machine-learning-makes-sure-your-lols-are-genuine/ #MachineLearning #machinelearning #SeeeduinoXiao #EdgeImpulse #chortle #chuckle #Teensy #laugh #model #ROTFL #lol
#MachineLearning #seeeduinoxiao #edgeimpulse #chortle #chuckle #teensy #laugh #model #rotfl #lol
Machine Learning Makes Sure Your LOLs Are Genuine - There was a time not too long ago when “LOL” actually meant something online. If s... - https://hackaday.com/2023/01/04/machine-learning-makes-sure-your-lols-are-genuine/ #machinelearning #seeeduinoxiao #edgeimpulse #chortle #chuckle #teensy #laugh #model #rotfl #lol
#lol #rotfl #model #laugh #teensy #chuckle #chortle #edgeimpulse #seeeduinoxiao #machinelearning
RT from Pradeep (@pradeeplogu0)
Monitor your ❄️⛄ Cold Storage Units with ML and Cellular IoT. @blueswireless @Qubitro @EdgeImpulse @dfrobotcn @M5Stack @Raspberry_Pi @getpostman. Here is my new blog on @Hacksterio ✅🚀 https://www.hackster.io/pradeeplogu0/cold-storage-monitoring-system-based-on-cellular-wi-fi-mesh-e9ea3c
#environmentalsensing #CellularIoT #sensors #edgeimpulse
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/pradeeplogu0/status/1604003271810904064
#edgeimpulse #sensors #cellulariot #environmentalsensing
.@ArducamOfficial OCam is an AI #camera that adds context data to MP4 video streams in real-time, and make the videos searchable in a way similar Google Image search. #artificialintelligence #computervision #TensorFlow #edgeimpulse
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/cnxsoft/status/1598534470243872769
#edgeimpulse #tensorflow #computervision #artificialintelligence #camera
RT from Embedded Club (@embeddedclub)
Float Bot Teaser - Nordic Thingy'53 | Matter | Machine Learning
https://youtu.be/1XvlEKl15iI with @NordicTweets @EdgeImpulse @Hacksterio @csaiot #edgeimpulse #nordic #nordicsemi #embeddedclub #iot #sensing #sensors #matter #mattermak
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/embeddedclub/status/1582981463582310401
#edgeimpulse #nordic #NordicSemi #embeddedclub #iot #sensing #sensors #matter #mattermak
RT from Christopher (@mcmchriis)
Very happy with the results merging the #WisBlock and #EdgeImpulse power!
I present to you my AI Mood Desk Lamp, a voice controlled lightning system to set the perfect mood to your workspace.
Project: https://www.hackster.io/mcmchris/voice-controlled-ai-mood-lamp-5917ca
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/mcmchriis/status/1561897898647887873