My first time seeing #EdgeOfDarkness with Errol Flynn and Ann Sheridan. And itβs really, REALLY good. #TCMParty #SummerUnderTheStars
#SummerUndertheStars #TCMParty #edgeofdarkness
Edge Of Darkness - One: Compassionate Leave:
ROSS: A bloody reporter more than like!
ROSS' DRIVER: Didn't look like a reporter to me, boss. EOD1 #EdgeOfDarkness #80s #TV
Edge Of Darkness - Two: Into The Shadows:
CARLISLE: There was a weapon which had been found in water which he wanted tested for radioactivity.
CRAVEN: And was it? EOD1 #EdgeOfDarkness #80s #TV #BobPeck
#edgeofdarkness #80s #tv #bobpeck
Edge Of Darkness - Four: Breakthrough:
McCROON: Remember me?
CRAVEN: I've been waiting for you. EOD1 #EdgeOfDarkness #80s #TV #BobPeck
#edgeofdarkness #80s #tv #bobpeck
Edge Of Darkness - One: Compassionate Leave:
SHIRLEY: It was such a shame. She was such a little beauty.
[SHE SOBS] EOD1 #EdgeOfDarkness #80s #TV
Edge Of Darkness - Three: Burden Of Proof:
REPORTER 1: Then what is your interest in II?
GROGAN: Emerging technologies, nuclear wastes. The management of nuclear waste is going to be big business. II is well ahead of the game. EOD1 #EdgeOfDarkness #80s #TV
#EdgeOfDarkness - Two: Into The Shadows:
ELHAM: I wanted to make sure that you... I'd rather you didn't ask any questions about motives.
#EdgeOfDarkness - Two: Into The Shadows:
SHIELDS: [DOWN PHONE] Tonight, yeah. No! You call me! Okay. Look, they've already been here!
Edge Of Darkness - Four: Breakthrough:
GODBOLT: It's the end of the road for me when this gets out.
CRAVEN: How did you get involved in the first place? EOD1 #EdgeOfDarkness #80s #TV #BobPeck
#edgeofdarkness #80s #tv #bobpeck
Edge Of Darkness - Five: Northmoor:
CRAVEN: That's right. What will you do with it when you've got it? EOD1 #EdgeOfDarkness #80s #TV #BobPeck
#edgeofdarkness #80s #tv #bobpeck
#EdgeOfDarkness - Five: Northmoor:
CHILDS: They moved the body. They're on their way up.
CONNORS: [V.O.] You'll have to cut the power.
Edge Of Darkness - One: Compassionate Leave:
EMMA: [V.O.] Ratatouille? [V.O.] And it's tinned, I bet! EOD1 #EdgeOfDarkness #80s #TV
Edge Of Darkness - Three: Burden Of Proof:
JEDBURGH: Well, plutonium is the key word here, Craven. People who mess with plutonium are terrorists.
CRAVEN: What do you know about Northmoor? EOD1 #EdgeOfDarkness #80s #TV #BobPeck
#edgeofdarkness #80s #tv #bobpeck
#EdgeOfDarkness - Four: Breakthrough:
HARCOURT: I think we've got to get someone into that plant.
PENDLETON: Craven's the obvious choice. If he can get into that terminal, he can get into anywhere.
#EdgeOfDarkness - Three: Burden Of Proof:
JEDBURGH: Second time that guy's made a reference to you.
CRAVEN: It's Godbolt.
Edge Of Darkness - Four: Breakthrough:
PENDLETON: This is better than hanging around in the hall. I'll ring you when your name's called.
[BIG BEN CHIMES] EOD1 #EdgeOfDarkness #80s #TV
Edge Of Darkness - Three: Burden Of Proof:
HARCOURT: Our intelligence is coming from people whose cover we can't afford to blow. But anything coming from you will look as though you picked it up in the course of investigating your daughter's death.
CRAVEN: No, thanks. Sorry. EOD1 #EdgeOfDarkness #80s #TV #BobPeck
#edgeofdarkness #80s #tv #bobpeck
#EdgeOfDarkness - Three: Burden Of Proof:
GROGAN: So what is?
JEDBURGH: You are, and I'm here to warn you. You're stirring up the natives. You're making them restless. We have our own interests on this island. Quite apart from the airbases, there's the golf courses. EOD9
#EdgeOfDarkness - Three: Burden Of Proof:
FIRST CLERGYMAN: I think at that point, we'll leave It. James Godbolt, thank you, John Parker, thank you. Next week, the Creation, accident or...
JEDBURGH: Yeah, yeah.