This week in 1960 — “40 Detectives Later” aired on ALFRED HITCHCOCK PRESENTS.
It was the TV writing debut of the prolific #HenrySlesar, future Emmy winner for THE EDGE OF NIGHT.
#ArthurHiller directed. #JamesFranciscus and #JackWeston star. A delightful piece of #FilmNoir w/ Slesar’s typical twist ending.
#AlfredHitchcockPresents #ClassicTV #1960sTV #1960s AlfredHitchcock #EdgeOfNight
#edgeofnight #1960s #1960stv #classictv #alfredhitchcockpresents #filmnoir #jackweston #jamesfranciscus #arthurhiller #henryslesar
Today in 1956 — THE EDGE OF NIGHT debuted.
Developed as the TV version of #PerryMason, it was retooled when creator #ErleStanleyGardner backed out. #JohnLarkin (radio's Perry Mason) starred as renamed attorney Mike Karr.
For 28 years, it brought murder mysteries to daytime.
#edgeofnight #1970stv #classicsoaps #classictv #johnlarkin #erlestanleygardner #PerryMason
Also was the end of “The Edge of Night” on CBS period after 19 years, ABC would take the series for its last 9 years the following Monday.
Today in 1975 — THE EDGE OF NIGHT and AS THE WORLD TURNS aired *live* for the last time.
They became the last soaps to switch to videotape — after nearly 20 years of live broadcasts.
#OnThisDay #ClassicTV #SoapOpera #ATWT #EdgeOfNight
#onthisday #classictv #soapopera #atwt #edgeofnight
#AnnFlood (1932-2022) would have been 90 today.
The #SoapOpera icon played Nancy Karr on #EdgeOfNight for 22 years.
She also appeared on #SearchForTomorrow, #AnotherWorld, #AllMyChildren, #OneLifeToLive and #AsTheWorldTurns in a 40-year career.
#theedgeofnight #classicsoaps #soapoperas #classictv #astheworldturns #onelifetolive #allmychildren #AnotherWorld #searchfortomorrow #edgeofnight #Soapopera #annflood